'Eraser' Mole by the vegetables familiar

The mole on the skin or on parts of your body as a result of the process of pigmentation on the skin. And most of the moles are quite safe and does not affect your health but it makes you more confident because it usually "located" in the location of the hardly visible.

If you are in this situation, try once to apply natural remedies to bleach moles see stars, is now the kind of result to Mole Remover will give you a great result.

Cat apples

The Apple Tart is so little baby cats but they are very good to Mole removal. Take the juice of the sour little apples and DAB them on the mole at least twice a day.

You should proceed with this measure daily for the mole should be deleted in about 3 weeks. Surely you will see your moles to fade and eventually disappear.

Or you can use Apple Cider vinegar for Mole removal is also extremely effective. You wash your moles with hot water. After to them dry naturally, you can apply the Apple Cider vinegar DAB up moles with a swab and let them stay on the mole in 10 minutes. Then, rinse with cold water. Repeat this action every day until the Mole is gone.

Pineapple juice

There are two ways to use pineapple juice to remove a mole you are intend to purge them away to help itchy eyes.

One is that, before going to sleep, you can use fresh pineapple juice and rub it on your mole and leave them overnight while you sleep.

In addition, you can also choose to use the fresh pineapple slices and apply apply directly on the moles you want to purge. You should also conduct this measure in a row at least half, okay to get results as you like.

Banana peels

To purge the mole, there's a simple way than you can of peeled a banana and apply shaving the inside of the banana peel crust to offset them on the Mole. You keep them overnight on the Mole. The inside of the banana peel crust will help weaken the moleand on the mole and the Mole will finally have to disappear.

Cashew nuts

Crush the seeds to form smooth dough. After that, the powdered cashews up on the mole and leave them on the mole for 10-15 minutes every day. In just a few weeks, you will see these dark points on the moles have bright or disappear.

Grapefruit juice

If you want to get rid of the mole that grows not in the right place, you can purge the moles only by grapefruit juice daily. To remove moles, you take a young pure grapefruit juice about three times a day on the Mole. And you should apply this measure in the next 1-2 weeks.


Cut an onion and cut a small piece. Then extract or grilled by a kitchen tools. Small 2-3 drops of onion juice on your moles. Repeat this action every day for at least 3 consecutive weeks. You'll notice the pigment black, Brown on moles decrease gradually and flaking off.


You can also use cauliflower to remove moles by cutting a small slice of cauliflower and then cut into smaller pieces. Continue to extract water cauliflower with the help of a food processor. Use a DAB of cauliflower juice daily for the Mole would like to purge until they disappear.

Coriander juice

Coriander juice can also be a good way to remove moles. To perform in this way, you make mashed a bunch cilantro. Then, paste the coriander crushed up on the moles daily in 2-3 weeks.


Make Thai 2-3 small ginger pieces and grind or crush them to form a paste. Then, place the crushed ginger mixed up on the mole and tape them over night.

You can repeat this method a few days until the Mole is gone. This can help you purge the mole type quickly.

Baking powder + castor oil

To purge the mole in a simple way, you can mix the baking powder in a bowl and add a few drops of castor oil to the mixture. Then, mix them into the mixture to make a paste and apply it on the moles daily until they gradually disappeared. This is also one of the best ways to remove moles naturally.=



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