Reveal how to extend youth with simple tips

From the age of 20 and above, women should start to care about skin care, how to prevent aging. From the age of 30 onwards, you no longer have the opportunity to prevent it, but instead how to fight against aging, to return the smooth skin as a young woman. At this time, you will not avoid the feeling of anxiety, find all kinds of products with anti-aging effects. However, if you know how to apply the following simple but effective tips, aging will no longer be your worry.

Do not stay up late

We are often advised not to stay up late, because in addition to health factors, staying up late will make your skin look worse, aging and so if you come a lot. So, arrange your work and sleep before 11pm so your skin can rest, your body also has the opportunity to recreate the energy for the next day.

Staying up late will make your skin look worse, aging and so if you come a lot.

Do you know the famous in the world have a busy schedule but they always take advantage of sleeping before 11pm and relentlessly load on the best foods and skin care products. Because they are aware of the importance of skin care, they will never allow their skin to age.

Ly Nhe Dong - a famous actor who once played the role of Tieu Long Nu (female) has revealed the secret to help young, beautiful, non-aging skin thanks to a lot of sleep and early sleep. She said that sleeping a lot and not staying up late is the secret to preserving her aging-free beauty: "Sleep with me is extremely important, one day can sleep more than 10 hours. Someone annoys me So if I don't film, I will stay in the room and switch off the phone. "

Ly Nhe Dong slept early and slept a lot to have beautiful skin.

Staying up late not only causes your skin to age quickly but it is also the cause of acne and acne. So take advantage of sleeping early before 23pm and get enough sleep to give your skin a chance to regenerate. Don't abuse your body by staying up late, sleep early to fight against your aging!

Keep the spirit very comfortable

Knowing that life always has many things that worry you, stressing your mind is inevitable. However, the stresses of intangible life make your skin ugly with wrinkles, hawks, hidden acne, freckles and bird's feet that keep coming. Instead, think about positive and optimistic things and laugh more every day, which is the skin tonic.

Moon Geun Young "30-year-old national sister" is still in her 30s but her appearance has not changed much. She shared about the secret to keeping a young face, healthy skin is a simple lifestyle, keeping the spirit of comfort and optimism.

Moon Geun Young "30-year-old national sister" is still in her 30s but her appearance has not changed much.

The way to avoid headaches is to read, listen to music, find patterns of fun, yoga, meditation or sports are ways to improve thinking better. If you want to rejuvenate your skin, don't be nervous.

Stimulate collagen with food

If you want to limit skin aging, consider collagen. Because collagen works to connect cells together, stimulating metabolism and creating elastic layers for the skin. The loss of collagen will make the skin dry, appear wrinkles on the corner of the eye and the facial contours will be deep, sagging, making you look older.

Stimulate collagen with food.

Supplement collagen with cosmetics, masks or through foods as follows:

- You should eat dark green vegetables that can stimulate faster production of collagen like spinach, asparagus, spinach .

- Use soy-rich foods to supplement genistein, a collagen-producing compound that can fight skin aging.

- Enhance foods rich in Omega-3 with salmon, fish bait, mackerel . to help skin supple, create elasticity, reduce inflammation, supplement and protect collagen.

- Garlic contains lots of sulfur, lipoic acid and taurine are essential substances for the production and reconstruction of collagen in the body.

DIY anti-aging mask

- Fresh milk: Fresh milk works to remove bruises, crow's feet on the eyes very effectively, so making a mask of fresh milk applied to the skin will help anti-aging skin, radiant white and pink.

Ingredients: Fresh milk, dry paper mask and makeup remover cotton

How to do it: Dip the dry paper mask and cotton remover into the milk, then squeeze it out. Next, apply a facial scrub to the face with 2 cotton pads to remove the eye and relax. Time to cover 15-20 minutes.

- Chicken + honey eggs

Chicken eggs and honey are close ingredients that cost money, make skin whitening, remove even, prevent acne and fight skin aging. So prepare 1 chicken egg, 2 teaspoons and do the following:

Separate whites and yolks separately. Then beat the egg whites and rub them all over the face, wait dry and rinse with warm water. This step will help you exfoliate your face. Next, mix the whites and honey and apply the face for about 20 minutes. Then wash your face and condition your skin as usual, making sure you have a smooth, shiny, vibrant skin.

Chicken eggs and honey help smooth skin.

- Green tea powder

Referring to green tea powder, surely you are not too strange because everyone knows that green tea has both skin whitening and anti-aging benefits. Not only that, but combining green tea with other ingredients will help your skin smooth and beautiful.

Preparation: 2-3 teaspoons of green tea, 2 teaspoons of coconut oil.

Mix green tea with coconut oil, then apply on face and relax for 20 minutes.

Next, they just need to clean their face with a cleanser and perform skin care steps as usual. The girls performed this anti-aging method with green tea 2-3 times / week to get the most effect.

Supplement foods containing anti-aging skin

- Fruits

Fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, apples are very rich in Polyphenolic compounds - antioxidants, which protect against physical and mental health decline.

In addition, red peppers, oranges, strawberries, kiwi, . are fruits that contain vitamin C to help prevent changes related to skin aging. If you eat a lot of vitamin C-rich foods, there will be fewer wrinkles, the skin will not be dry and smooth.

- Types of green vegetables

Some dark green vegetables like spinach (spinach), kale, lettuce, cabbage, . contain lots of vitamins and minerals that play an important role in fighting skin aging.

It is known that vitamin K found in spinach helps treat eye and joint diseases in the elderly. Therefore, this is the reason you should add green vegetables in your daily meals for yourself and your family members. This type of food is both nutritious and healthy, and helps the skin fight against the aging process over time.

- Abandoning alcoholic beverages and cigarettes

Smokers will have early wrinkles. Facial movements such as smoking make your mouth appear wrinkles, not to mention a lot of toxic substances that adversely affect the skin, making skin dull and easy on acne. Therefore, try to give up medicine to fight skin aging and help skin become healthier.



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