4 foods that cause obesity, hypertension for children, mothers should not be foolish to eat


In the nutritional composition of milk and dairy products both provide the necessary amount of protein and vitamins and minerals to build strong bones and teeth. Therefore, although it is necessary to lose weight for children, it is not allowed to remove these foods from the daily diet lest it be harmful to the baby.


In the nutritional composition of biscuits is mainly processed from refined flour and sugar, it is also not good for health. Parents often have a habit of feeding biscuits and cakes for snacks. This is very not recommended because biscuits only make babies obese easily lead to stroke mother do not give much.


In the nutritional composition of meats, fish, eggs, . all contain the amount of protein needed to build the body, so need to eat enough but should choose fish over meat, if meat, choose meat lean, remove fat and skin. If the mother loves the baby, the child should eat alternating meats, fish, eggs, shrimp, beans, . together so as not to cause overweight obesity affecting the health of the child in the future.

Gas drink

Young children often like to drink soft drinks, especially carbonated drinks are one of the most attractive drinks for children. However, the composition of carbonated soft drinks containing many artificial sweeteners in this drink is the main reason why children are easily obese, diabetic, cardiovascular . not good for the development of children.


In the composition of sweet candy contains a lot of sugar makes children extremely popular. However, if mothers give children too much sweet candy, it will cause many dangerous diseases for children including obesity, diabetes, heart, liver, kidney . Therefore, mothers should not feed their babies. Many confectionery drinks are high in sugar.



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