Looking at this point on the mole, you can accurately check your cancer risk


If a strange nodule is prominent on the skin, the test is necessary. Malignant tumors often develop rapidly in size or size. A mole that grows, changes color, causes itching, discomfort or bleeding is actually an alarming sign.

Irregular borders (Borders)

While a healthy mole (left) has a fairly consistent border, the right mole has a faded, unclear, uneven contour right at the skin line.

"The lesions are stacked on the skin, the contour is not uniform or unidentified, and there is a mix of colors," Friedman explained of the disturbing characteristics of moles.

Color (Color)

Again, look at the healthy mole on the left, the color is quite uniform. Usually, if the mole is brown, red or black, it is a benign mole. If the mole is multicolored, from black to brown, gray, light red . it is definitely a malignant tumor.

Diameter (Diameter)

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if the mole is larger than a pea, it may be a sign of skin cancer. The right mole is bigger than a pea, like the "Diameter" criterion, expert Friedman said.

The diameter of the mole is greater than 6 mm, so you should watch or go to a doctor to screen for skin cancer.

Abnormal development

By adulthood, moles on the body will not grow and change too much. However, if you find yourself with moles developing in size, color, shape, contour . even causing itching and bleeding, be careful because it's a mole. cancer effect. Right now, you should actively go to a specialist hospital to get sick early.



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