Decode the mystery of pregnant women but still a Virgin

Results based on survey of 7870 women and girls aged 15-28 in the us. Women who participated in the annual study surveyed about reproductive health, sexual activity and reproduction knowledge in round 1. This survey is in the framework of the study of women's health in the period 1995-2009.

The surprising results, 45 people (0.5%) had confirmed at least 1 times pregnant but still Virgin, i.e. never had sex nor IVF or artificial insemination (IVF).

Lead researcher Amy Herring, of the University of North Carolina (USA), Ms. Herring said that the phenomenon of pregnancy still virgin or Unisexual reproductive (Virgin products) exist in nature, such as in snakes, sharks and Komodo dragon.

But in addition to artificial insemination shall not have any published scientific studies have Unisexual reproductive phenomenon in humans, not sex but still conceive. Virgin conversation pregnancy in humans only appeared in the story of the birth of Christ as well as a number of books and movies fiction today.

"Although we endeavor to use survey measures different opinions, but the young girls are all real, no answer or clear that they lied, not admitting he had sexual relations and pregnancy".

Reportedly, the study said the scientists at the University of North Carolina made through data analysis of thousands of young women. They discovered the case confirmed the pregnancy without sex has some characteristics in common. 31% of them had signs of religious oaths is not sex. 15% of the girls confess not Virgin are also said to have brought this oath.

"The pressure of society and religion can make the young girl doesn't dare admit they had sex"-Mrs Herring stressed.

Ms. Herring said the majority of young girls "to conceive but still a Virgin" mentioned above that the sex or reproductive health always is a topic "hard talk" and difficult to be with loved ones, especially my parents.

This research may cause parents to review how the failure of chat, as well as how sex education for children. Among 45 mother Virgin says above, most reveal that their parents never or very rarely talk about sex and contraception.

The study is the name of the British medical journal (BMJ) on 17.12, do AddHealth initiated in 1994, is the human health development Institute and the national American kids along 17 other federal organizations in the us contribute funds activities.=



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