The four great-great-grandparents who were pregnant made their babies malnourished and stunted from their abdomen

Pregnant women often eat at night

Night eating habits are a common habit of many pregnant mothers. Because when pregnant, pregnant mother often sad mouth from the 5th month, so eating at night seems to be an unavoidable pleasure.

According to nutrition experts, eating at night does not only provide nutrition to the fetus but also harms the health of the mother and makes the baby more tired. So to limit the risk of a malnourished fetus due to an anti-scientific meal, she should drink a cup of warm milk before going to sleep and help her grow faster.

Calcium supplement too much

Many pregnant mothers often fear in the process of pregnant calcium deficiency should have calcium supplements too much needed. This work is not only bad for baby's joint and bone development, but is also the leading cause of poor absorption and inhibition of child development.

The mother's night-eating habits make the fetus malnourished

Because when calcium accumulates too much, it accumulates in the placenta, preventing nutrient exchange and fetal development is slower than peers.

Excessive eating

In the past, the elderly used to force mothers to eat a lot to keep their mothers healthy, but this was completely unscientific. Because if the mother eats a lot but is not scientific, eating only the things she likes without the full complement of foods will cause the baby to be deficient in multiple substances.

Besides, when the mother elected to eat more, she also caused overweight, obesity and cardiovascular effects, increased the risk of premature birth, caesarean section, gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia . extremely dangerous mother and child.

Mother elected to supplement too much of malnutrition fetal calcium

Lack of iron when iron deficiency

During pregnancy, iron is an extremely important nutrient for pregnant women and their babies. When the mother elects iron deficiency not only means that the mother elected anemia but iron deficiency during pregnancy also affects the fetus, making the baby born susceptible to infection, mental retardation, low weight, . are all General expression of your fetal malnutrition. So, pregnant mother should note enough iron supplement for the body.



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