The tips or 'fly' freckles at home

Freckles are hyperpigmentation bold phenomenon in the skin caused the nuisance for women. Hang on oăm rather, freckles tend to appear more in women who have white skin. But does not affect health but it takes serious skin cosmetic and psychological triggers inferiority, family communication, affect our lives, emotions and the work of the sisters. To treat freckles, sisters can apply the fade freckles naturally from simple here.

1. Lemon juice

In lemon juice contains many bleaches have natural acid for your skin.

In lemon juice contains many bleaches have natural acid for your skin. Use diluted lemon juice to wash your face regularly as a solution fading freckles. Besides in lemon juice is quite rich in vitamin C, which helps protect the skin, made of durable membranes, antioxidant, Circuit City. However, use sparingly as too much can cause thinning and dryness of the skin, at the same time if the wash using the lemon juice should be limited much exposure to the Sun.

2. white radish

Long white turnips was application to fade the stain Melasma, freckles.

Long white turnips was application to fade the stain Melasma, freckles. You can dice the beets, grilled. Use about 1 spoonful of beet juice can draw extra honey, apply to the face about 3 times/week.

3. the yogurt mask

Can be used alone or mix yogurt with a yogurt rice bran face 2-3 times a week will improve the freckles are quite clear.

Can be used alone or mix yogurt with a yogurt rice bran face 2-3 times a week will improve quite clearly, freckles in the yogurt contains acid ingredients have the effect of baptism cleans dead cells, reducing pigmentation, and Dim in the rice bran contains more B vitamins such as vitamin B3 works to lighten the skin.

4. combine honey melon seed and petal peach


200 ml honey

300 g peach petals

150 g of seed melon

The mixture of honey, melon seeds and petals have freckles treatment effectiveness.


You use the seed melon and peach petals dried and then finely rivets into powder, honey into sexual harassment and illuminate your skin be lightening in many consecutive days, will be how to fade the freckles effectively.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric is famous for antibacterial effects against inflammation the effect.

Turmeric is famous for antibacterial effects against inflammation, are used in the treatment of diseases related to stomach, digestive, associated with scars the skin wound. Besides turmeric also reduce freckles, lighten the skin. Try 1 table spoon of turmeric powder with about 1 tea spoon yogurt into a special mixture and make masks, apply 2 times week to track how effective.

6. Green Papaya.

In green papaya contains papain emzym has the effect of target proteins, i.e. it works relatively pronounced exfoliation, whereby the skin brighter, the freckles fade. Take green papaya crushes, apply to face 2-3 times daily. After the two-hour rinse face with cold water.

7. Spanish conversation

Translate in Spanish passion leaves work Exfoliating, skin lightening, pigmentation, freckles improved external also moisten, reduce acne.Let's take 1 part of leaves Spain (Aloe), Peel the clean green crust on the outside make sure green veins no longer stick to intestines, clean the viscosity. Do this when you face will not cause irritation and itching. Each week face 2-3 times.

8. greater coucal particles combined with egg-headed coucal

Chicken eggs have the fading of freckles is very good. You get a energy buff-headed coucal pheasant coucal dried, powdered smooth. Each time user please take a bit of pheasant coucal-billed coucal powder mix well with chicken egg white, then lather up those freckles. You make the week 2-3 times steadily to have good effect!

9. Drink tomato juice

Tomato juice or eat tomatoes always live help improve the freckled spots.

Tomato juice or eat tomatoes always live help improve the freckled spots. It is thanks to the existing substances in tomatoes against the effects of the composition tyrozin, made to disappear or diminish the pigment to die on the face

10. fresh fruit combined with Lemon white coffee maker


100 g roasted white (wash, pounding)

10 lemon (squeezed juice)


You mix all ingredients on the sealed jars for 2 days. Then use a swab taken of water, rub the freckles I am giving up 1 time per day, continuously for several days will give you good results.

11. Pure soy sprouts

In many cases the freckles have causes from endocrine disorders.

In many cases the freckles have causes from endocrine disorders, this can be seen as being menstrual disorders, pregnancy, postpartum ... freckles tend to be darker. In these cases the improvement of freckles by hormonal supplements from plants have the effect quite distinctly. You can use pure soy sprouts in 3 months, will help the hormone supplements, weight lightening from the inside, to help smooth cheeks, bright, smooth, stretch the freckles reduce blur quite clearly.=



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