Tip When using the sauce not everyone know

Get to know the delicious sauce and quality

How is a type of sauce? Usually, when the influence of the quality of this food, you will rely on three basic elements, that is: the color, the protein and the taste of it.


Of raised the first color element by which is the point where you can observe quickly with the naked eye. When checking the sauce, you should not consider out of lack of light. Please tell the store owner for his borrowed bottles of sauce and soi out light, then the reverse slope the bottle down, if you feel good in the water, if you see residue present absolutely should not buy.

Sauce in the bottle yellow is good sign so you can be assured a first step.

Sauce in the bottle yellow is good sign so you can be assured a first step, but if it has a different color, such as blue-grey, the housewife should be careful because maybe it will not be safe. However, also should not confuse "other colors" and the yellow of the sauce were darker than back at new buy, because after a while, the dark color is a sign of the traditional sauce.

Protein level

Protein content is information that reflects the quality of the sauce and it is always located on the packaging of the product. Well here is a quick tip for you to distinguish false sauce. A product has clearly not labels on the protein level was great, but a bottle of sauce that right to all this parameters are also not there then is definitely fake sauce or poorly their reputable manufacturers and you should absolutely avoid.

Below is information about protein levels are based on the standards of Vietnam about sauce (TCVN 5107:2003) for your reference:

Protein levels: 30No Special Type >.

25No > protein levels: superior.

Speed class: 15No > protein.

Protein level: class Type 10No >.

So, the higher the protein as possible decide the quality of the sauce, and you can totally "overcome" sew this by reading the manufacturer's labels.


After you have checked the safety quality of sauce bottles through checking the color and protein levels then the next step would be the taste. The taste is not only quality but also reflect the direct impact to the delicious cuisineof disembowelment. So make sure the housewives are should not skip this step!

Usually, the sauce will bring a light, fragrant sweet salty flavors harmonize and Bui Bui. The fragrance of the famous sauce would be so characterized, when tasted that sweet taste of its bold seep gradually where the throat and mild sauce is delicious. In contrast, if you try that saw the salty acrid unpleasant way at the top of the tongue, it might be because low protein levels or the use of additives is not guaranteed.

Any dish that sauce

From pure sauce to bowls of sauce dots in each dish is both the States and the sophistication of the homemaker. Basically, the essence of sauce in all three regions are the same, but the flavor of the sauce Bowl in Northern, Central and southern back distinctly.

Usually the sauce will be mixed together with water, vinegar, sugar, ...

Usually the sauce will be mixed together the water, sugar, vinegar ... make up the sweet salty sourness and add some spices depending on the dish, just created momentum density just right for the dish, just had the effect of reducing the feeling so tired of greasy form inside the dish.

How to make sauce into sauce was the housewife wield cleverly and subtly combined with each individual spices:

With boiled meat, fish-cleaning should use pure sauce, not diluted, just add more chilli or pepper, lemon or lime.

-Some fritters fried fish dishes, such as fried rolls, wheels, breaded shrimp, fried ... concocted sauce is both an art.

In each dish, we also have a different sauce wedge:

-In the soup, sauce and finally Northern wedge out.

-Private with meat stock, many people have the habit of taking or marinated sauce when meat is alive without knowing that it will make the meat hard, taste of losing pieces of meat. Just so, the main bread ... into meat and meat warehouses until near maturity, then for the sauce to the boil and add a salad again, this sauce will increase the taste for meat stock.-for prawns, poached shrimp need attention avoid sauce because it will lose the distinctive taste of the foods.=



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