The note when eating tomatoes

The tomato is a vegetable that is very nutritious and healthy, have the effect of strengthening the body's resistance, prevent and treat debilitating diseases, fight against infection. But not for eating tomatoes is will replenish nutrients to the body.

Unripe tomatoes

Unripe Tomatoes contain large number of factors "alkaloid" If consumption will easily cause food poisoning. The symptoms of poisoning caused by eating green tomatoes often are nausea, vomiting, salivation, weakness, fatigue and other symptoms ... even in serious cases can be life-threatening. When the Tomatoes ripen, toxic substances in tomatoes called "alkaloid" will decrease and will disappear in red ripe tomatoes. So, with those green tomatoes unripe, absolutely should not enjoy.

Don't eat tomatoes at hunger

Tomatoes contain a lot of pectin and phenolic resin and other ingredients like persimmons in gold. If eating tomatoes at hungry, these substances can easily react with acids, forming insoluble clot, causing "tensions" and make it difficult for the stomach. The stomach is the consumption of these substances can cause abdominal pain, vomiting and even shock. So, absolutely should not eat tomatoes at are hungry.

Should not boil the tomatoes too closely

If tomato heat at high temperature for too long or the heat go back multiple times, then the module will lose vitamins and do discount nutrition contained in tomatoes.

Don't eat tomatoes and cucumbers at the same time

The tomato is a fruit and vegetable foods rich in vitamins, each 100 g of tomatoes contains 550 mg carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, 03mg, 0, 10, 20 mg vitamin C, niacin, 6mg, 0.57 mg vitamin E, vitamin A 92mg. Cucumber enzyme-containing vitamin C, vitamin C can damage the tomatoes and relieve the other nutrients. Therefore, you should not eat cucumbers with tomato lived at the same time.

Should not eat tomatoes when you drink anticoagulants

Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin k. vitamin K's main effect is the catalyst for the synthesis of prothrombin and coagulin in the liver. So, if you eat tomatoes when taking medicine, it will affect the effectiveness of the drugs.=



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