Tong My Linh lived with breast cancer for 3 centuries thanks to the Vietnamese food shortage

Tong My Linh's father, Tong Gia Thu, suffered from stomach cancer, her mother was Que Que Tran, older sister Tong Ai Linh and her younger brother Tong Tu Liang were all cancer-related, and their second sister Tong Khanh Linh suffering from liver cancer and white blood disease.

Born in a family with many people suffering from cancer, Tong My Linh herself is also unavoidable, she was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40, surgery twice. However, she still lives up to 106 years old, and in 74 years of age, her teeth are still strong, her hair long to her back is not silver.

Many people speculated on the reasons given for helping Tong My Linh, even though she had been sick but still lived a long life, but perhaps the most influential is still due to her eating habits.

1. Eat less, divide many meals

Zhou Chang-jing, who always accompanied Ms. Tong Mei-ling, said she had a habit of eating less but sharing smaller meals. This helps her avoid feeling hungry often and eating less at the next meal.

2. Avoid eating 3 types of food

In the diary of Tong My Linh, she also recorded her daily diet. She especially learned from Confucius to avoid 3 types of food: allergenic aquatic food; vinegar, soy sauce may not guarantee hygiene; Don't eat strange, weird animals.

3. Drink lemonade

Soong My Linh often has the habit of drinking lemonade after receiving a doctor's advice about changing acidity in the body. Many studies today have been confirming lemon rich in vitamins, antioxidants, anti-cancer.

The food is "engraved" of cancer

Garlic: Many large studies have found that people who eat a lot of garlic are less likely to develop different types of cancer, especially in digestive organs such as the esophagus, stomach, and colon .

Ingredients in garlic oil help prevent cells at risk of tumor formation, or they can also reduce the multiplication of cancer cells if present in the body. Garlic will kill breast cancer cells, colon cancer, stomach cancer and esophageal cancer and reduce the growth of tumors.

Grapefruit: Grapefruit is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients for the body. In traditional medicine, pomelos were also studied to make remedy for various diseases.

Eating pomelos in moderation can help prevent three types of cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Each day eating 170 grams of grapefruit will reduce the harmful effects of smoke on the body. Grapefruit activates the enzymes in the body, helping our body to fight lung cancer on its own.

Potato: Sweet potato contains a special ingredient called DHEA. This hormone can prevent cancer and fight aging. Beta-carotene, the orange-colored substance in sweet potatoes has been shown to work against stomach cancer by accelerating cancer cells to die more quickly. Moreover, it can slow the development of breast cancer.

Papaya: In papaya contains Isothiocyanates that help protect cells from spreading into cancer. Therefore this makes sufficiently 'superfood' against cancer.

Tomatoes: Some studies have shown that eating tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer. Red spheres help protect the DNA in your cells from damage that can lead to cancer. Tomatoes contain a high concentration of effective antioxidants called lycopene.



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