The drinks reduce the possibility of 'blanket' of man

1. Alcohol

A glass of wine can help you reduce the bearded wings tired after a day's work. But drinking too much alcohol can interfere with older to "it" and the libido, reduces the function of men.

Drinking alcohol can cause psychological inhibition and increase libido. However, drinking alcohol regularly easy to cause inhibition of the spirit, impede sexual ability, and can lead to symptoms of premature ejaculation or Erectile difficulty, though that you have a very high libido. Drinking several reduce testosterone production process (types of hormones that help increase libido).

2. Beer

The scientists found that men if too much drinking at levels 4 bottle of beer every day and at least 5 days per week, then the risk of prostate cancer is twice as high compared to those who did not drink. Beer will also impact on arteries and veins, reduces libido and erectile dysfunction.

3. Cafe

Admit cafe in the body can cause damage to the adrenal glands, which produce the male sex hormones. Over time, if the impaired adrenal function, hormones in the body such as sex hormones and the thyroid will be affected seriously. When the function of the adrenal glands decrease, can lead to decreased sexual needs and thyroid hormone imbalance.

So, gentlemen are advised do not abuse the cafe, instead, can drink green tea to get back the feeling of euphoria when tired.

4. Carbonated

The United States National Institute of health (NIH) announced new, soda (carbonated types) are proven relevant to the evidence of undermined sex abilities, including when you drank soda for dieters. The risk of faltering of fitness is also greater if the water contains artificial sweeteners.

5. bottled fruit Juice

Most of these juices contain artificial sweeteners, which are artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame) are easily led to reduced production capacity status of serotonin, a chemical that brings the feeling of happiness, control your mood and enhances sexual desire.

Lack of serotonin can cause problems like headaches, depression and irritability. A more serious thing is that it also affects the production of dopamine, a catalyst of sexual desire.

Therefore, you should also limit the bottled fruit juices, drinking only juice or juice from fruit, fresh fruit.

6. Water

Tonic water contains quinine, which is the main component of this quality will reduce the concentration of testosterone, since it affected great enjoyable vacation possibilities "bedding" of who you whiskers.

7. The country has a licorice

The type of entertainment beyond the sale still bare rock pavement tea shop that gentlemen still hard on day three of the double Cup drink all contain components of licorice. Many people, because like the sweetness of sweet licorice but also often eat or drink is this drug.

Licorice in the component contains glycyrrhetinic acid active substances, reduces cortisol concentration and lead to reduced testosterone. This severely affected the ability to "fight" of the guy.

8. Soy Milk

Most soy products is known as a food good for health. However, in the soy contains phytoestrogen compounds (natural substances from plants, simulation of the hormone estrogen, a female sex hormone), it could affect the balance of hormones in both men and women. Soy milk good for females, but male hormone disrupting reduces libido and fatigue easily cause for.=



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