Eating boiled vegetables is always boring, processing vegetables in this way so that the whole week in the refrigerator is still delicious

How to prepare mixed vegetables

Ingredients to prepare

- 120g white radish

- 50g carrots

- 80g cabbage

- 30g ginger

- 1 bell pepper

- 14g salt, 30g white vinegar, 18g sugar, 3g white wine, 30g water

- 1 slice of lemon

Process materials

- Carrots, radishes of lead form;

- Big sliced ​​bell peppers and cabbage like carrots and beets.

- Ginger chopped small fibers

How to make sweet and sour vegetables

- Step 1: Put the ingredients in a large bowl, add 4g of salt to mix and marinate for about 1 hour. After that, pour out the salt water.

- Step 2: Put 10g of salt left in the bowl, add sugar, white wine, vinegar and water to dissolve. Put sliced ​​lemon in a bowl of vegetables and pour in the seasonings just mixed.

- Step 3: Cover the vegetables and then put them in the refrigerator to prevent them from staying overnight.

How to distinguish clean and unsafe, safe and unsafe vegetables and fruits:

1. Safe vegetables without chemicals are usually lighter in color, unsafe vegetables are often fatier than safe vegetables.

2. The branches, shoots or leaves of safe vegetables will be less, the leaves will be bigger than safe vegetables.

3. Clean vegetables have the phenomenon of deep eating leaves, there are small holes in the leaves, safe vegetables will not be pestilent by the amount of pesticides still remain until harvest.

4. Unsafe vegetables and fruits will be softer but tastier. unsafe vegetables give us a soft but very bland taste.

5. About 2 days of unsafe vegetables will be crushed, waterlogged, rotten and broken. With safe vegetables, the preservation time will be longer, up to 4-5 days.

6. Safe vegetables are often produced and packaged, have clear origin and the price will be higher than unsafe vegetables.



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