Washing only morning glory with water is foolish: The wrong way to make spinach makes the whole family pick up the disease

Eat raw spinach

Morning glory is a familiar vegetable grown in places such as ponds, lakes, rivers . polluted water sources are very dirty and the risk of contamination contains many types of parasitic worms and parasites. So when you eat uncooked spinach, you are at risk of getting helminths, which can lead to poisoning.

In addition, for vegetables that want to grow more quickly, vegetables that use pesticides spray on vegetables who eat spinach containing high levels of pesticides will be poisoned.

Wash vegetables with water

Many housewives often wash vegetables with ordinary water, this job only makes the vegetables clean, but not only kill the parasites in the vegetables, soak the morning glory in dilute salt water before cooking.

When boiling vegetables, open the area

It is best to clean the morning glory and then drain it into a refrigerator storage bag for a few days and then eat it to ensure the safety of the family members.

Cover the bowl when boiling vegetables

When you boil water spinach or any vegetable you should not cover it because this will make the chemicals in vegetables not escape but still remain in the vegetable making your family easily poisoned, infected sick.

Therefore, the best way to process spinach is to open it when boiling vegetables to make green vegetables and to ensure safety for your health.

Should eat small tops spinach

How to choose delicious vegetables

When you go to the market you want to buy spinach, do not buy bunches of vegetables with larger stalks than usual. You should choose a small delicious morning glory. Besides, do not choose fresh and dark green spinach.

Because these vegetables are often grown in contaminated areas, they have absorbed many chemicals, or lead measurements, in ponds and lakes. You should choose a light green vegetable, and when looking at it not too young, it will ensure your family's safety.
