The food should limit when want to get pregnant

The need to curb food before you vote:

Spicy food

Pepper and spices are different spicy can render women with constipation. If she's pregnant or intend to become pregnant that eating too much of these foods will cause gastrointestinal dysfunction-not good for health. So parents need to limit.


Drinking too much alcohol before pregnancy not only makes parents hard to conceive, but also affect the development of the fetus in the future, making your baby more prone to birth defects and developmental delay.


Glucose metabolism in the human body will consume a lot of calcium, calcium deficiency causes for women and the influence to health pregnancy in the future as well as the formation of bone development in children. In addition, eating too many sweets are also easy to make my sister being overweight-cause my mom was rarely late, infertility.


MSG in MSG may affect the absorption of zinc of the mother's body when eating too much and of course it will make his mother hard to conceive as well as affecting the development of fetal nerve system in the future.

Pre-packaged food

Pre-packaged food is causing a lot of sisters were edema, hypertension in pregnancy. So parents should consider when eating even before the secret vote.

Foods containing preservatives

The food is very delicious but containing nitrite, benzopyrene ... is not conducive to the body.

Food contamination

Parents should try to use the fresh food and avoid foods that contain additives, preservatives, colourings. In addition, with fruit, the mother should wash clean or sterilized water stage name before eating because they may contain pesticides.

Foods containing caffeine

Women preparing to become pregnant should not drink too much coffee, tea and drinks as well as other caffeine-containing food. Studies have indicated, caffeine can affect women, altering the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body, from which the indirect influence over the quality of the egg and the egg's fertilization inhibition.


Carrots rich in carotene, vitamins and other nutrients beneficial to humans however according to obstetrics and gynaecology specialist Lott Gisborne (working refineries in New Jersey medical school), women who eat too many carrots with a large amount of carotenoids content loaded into the body can cause a myriad of business and inhibit ovulation normally. So, if want to conceive, I don't eat too many carrots!

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds with some testicular inhibitor protein components, can cause testicular atrophy, affecting the normal reproductive functions, which is why the young people in the age of childbearing should not eat nuts.


Although garlic can pretty much use to health but also have to pay attention because the fresh garlic has the ability to kill sperm. Childbearing age people if eaten too much will have a negative impact on fertility.

Beef and lamb steaks

According to nutrition experts, women who eat more grilled lamb may be born a child, mental retardation, paralysis or deformity. After investigation and research of modern health have discovered that these women and their children born deformed, are manifest.

Need additional nutrition before pregnancy:

-Folic Acid:folic id, Ac, extremely important for the development of the brain, skull and spine of the baby in the future. It also has the effect of preventing mental disability to the child. Before pregnancy, women should get 400 micrograms of folic acid supplements and should supplement the form of synthesis.

-Iron: With normal people, the iron content should supplement each day is 18 mg for women who are planning pregnancy, this number is 30mg. The foods rich in iron are: spinach, boiled beef, cereals, oatmeal, Orange, apricot ...

-Of calcium: just like iron, very many women currently suffer from a lack of calcium. for all women, should supplement 1000 mg of calcium every day with people who are planning pregnancy amounts need more than about 1,500 mg/day.

-Omega 3 fats: Omega 3 has the most of these types of fish such as salmon, the mòi ... and other foods such as walnuts, eggs, soybeans. According to the recommendations from the Department of health of Canada, women in the age of childbirth should regularly eat fish and Omega 3 rich foods.

-Fiber: fiber has many of the most popular vegetables in your daily meal. So, before pregnancy, you should actively eat many foods. In addition to being rich in fiber, vegetables are also very abundant of vitamins A, C, E, essential for the body.=



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