How squeezed and preserve the standard breast milk

How to milk:

Preparation before milking

Prepare the milk packaging tools such as glasses, jars or wide mouth jugs.

Wash the milk packaging tools with SOAP and clean water. Pouring boiling water into the milk packaging tools, to within a few minutes and pour away. Wash hands thoroughly with SOAP.

Standing or sitting in a relaxed manner as when breastfeeding, put the bottle of breast adjacent.

The steps to milk by hand

-Gently Massage the breast early or put a scarf to warm up the breast to create a pleasant feeling to help the milk about more easily.

-Set up the thumb over the nipple breast and dark circles, pointing fingers at the bottom, opposite the thumb into the C-shaped breast with fingers Support..

-Push the thumb and index finger gently on the side of the chest. Click and then drop out, click and then drop out.

-Indian around Halo similar breast from many sides.

Note, avoid rub or slide your finger on the skin. The extractor fingers by rolling on the skin. Avoid printing on the nipple. Press or pull the nipple cannot be squeezed milk.

Squeezed on one side a minimum of 3-5 minutes until the milk flow slows down then see to the other side, then squeezed both sides. Can use pump-milk to wring more easily.

Storage time

Mother's milk after having been squeezed out store in cool temperature in the room (about -28 26 º C) of 6 hours; the lower temperature is 8-10 hours. However, experts advise that the preservation of mother's milk in the room temperature should not extend beyond four hours. Hot heaven is under 1 hour; under 20 º C should not be more than 2 hours.

The cause is because of breast milk varies from this mother to another mother, room temperatures also vary at milking should determine storage time must also be flexible.

Preservation of breast milk in the refrigerator

If you do not intend to use the baby milk right after squeezed should reserve breast milk in the refrigerator as soon as possible. If to cool in the refrigerator, breast milk can be kept in 1-3 days.

Milk reserves in the icebox: maximum time can be up to 3 months (depending on the temperature in the icebox and the frequency of close-open cabinets) and 6 months if in air chilled. Should not the preservation of mother's milk in the icebox door because the temperature there is often inaccurate.

When want to put milk up the icebox, you should put the milk in the cooler before and then move up the icebox. Similarly, when want to defrost, should move the milk from the icebox down cool compartments about ½-1 day before bringing the milk out. However, you should not preserve the milk too long which should use for your baby as soon as possible.

The glass is viewed as the best material to store breast milk because the ingredients contained in breast milk is the best preserved in the glass. The second is that the average good quality, hard plastic. Choose the average dedicated to storing the milk.=



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