The amazing benefits of red wine

1. reduce the process of atherosclerosis

The cause of formation of the atherosclerotic plaque is caused by the process of oxidation of lipoproteins in the arteries.

The wine will help increase the amount of HDL cholesterol (a type of cholesterol is beneficial for the body) and prevent LDL (bad cholesterol) from the start of the form. So, can prevent the blockage of blood vessels.

2. Prevention of aging, longevity

The researchers from Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of aging in America that have natural ingredients in red wine can help extend the life and prevents the adverse risk factor for health, because many fat diet cause. Resveratol has many compounds in red wine have the effect of extending longevity. Antioxidant flavonoids in red wine has the effect of activating the enzyme, slows the aging process. Reportedly, the substance in red wine 15-20 times higher than the fruit. Every few days, women regularly drink 1 glass of red wine helps prolong.

3. the fight against obesity

Scientists in the U.s. Endocrine Society said, the compound resveratol in red wine can reduce the amount of fat cells in the body. This compound has led to the development of unusual preadipocytes, prevent them turning into fat cells improve and prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. As such, the compound characteristic resveratol against obesity by creating the effects directly to the fat cells in the body.

More interesting, this quality also reduces the secretion of cytokin-a adjust the response of the immune system and related to the development of obesity and diabetes. Every day you just need to drink 2 glasses of red wine may decrease was 20-30% of calories, therefore, has the effect of reducing fat.

4. "combine" with dry skin and avoid peeling skin

People with dry skin can be massaged with red wine. Nutrients in red wine will se closed pores, and moisturizes the skin.

Red wine helps to remove dead skin cells, from which your skin will become smooth and natural light.

5. Prevention of cancer

Scientists at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) has conducted a number of studies, and they have realized that, tannins and resveratol in red wine has the effect of preventing lung cancer and prostate cancer. Reportedly, tannins acted as a aims to agent against oxygen, it "sweeps" elementary particles which are harmful to cells. Meanwhile resveratol has the effect of preventing the development of tumors.

A recent study by American scientists conducted with 1742 people, divided into 3 groups: Group drinking red wine 3 cups a week, drinking white wine group and group do not drink any wine. The result, the group who do not drink alcohol are at risk of intestinal cancer is 9.9%, white wine drinkers this risk is 8.9% and red wine drinkers group this risk only 3.4%.

6. Prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke

British scientists have discovered the ingredients of red wine polyphenols can inhibit the process of synthesizing a protein related to heart disease. This also explains why French people often drink red wine and heart disease rates very low French, although their diet is also rich in fat aging.

According to the scientists, are due to heart disease prevention polyphenols inhibit the body produces endothylin (a type of protein causes the blood vessels, reduces the amount of oxygen to the heart and played a key role in causing coronary disease). Polyphenols in red grape Peel there, so only new red wine have effects against cardiovascular disease.

The advice of Dietitians as, those in the middle-aged and older, if each meal drink add 1-2 cups of red wine will be very useful for cardiologists and stimulates eating.

7. Anti-inflammatory

The substance resveratrol in red wine has the ability to resist the elements that cause the inflammation to help the body fight the disease can suffer.

Red wine also contains the substance resveratrol can reduce bad LDL cholesterol low (causing obstruction of the blood vessels and stroke). Meanwhile, other chemical component in red wine such as saponins can also reduce the harmful properties of cholesterol.

8. dining and stimulating good digestion

Just sipping 100 ml of wine during the meal, you will feel more palatable.

Wine capable of neutralizing the amount of fat, help you not get and feel better after eating.

9. Against the harm from the Sun

The UV rays from the Sun cause more damage to your skin.

Flanonoid compounds contained in red wine helps protect skin cells do not suffer from the ultraviolet radiation damage. The flanonoid prevent chemical reactions can kill skin cells and cause sunburn.

10. Sleep

A recent scientific study shows that red wine contains the substance melatonin regulates the body's biological clock or sleep-wake cycle. So, drink a glass of wine before going to bed will do you good night sleep. Melatonin is also an antioxidant it against aging and prevent the factors that cause cancer.=



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