The uses of sweet potatoes not everyone know

Sweet Potato tubers is a very popular and close to the Vietnam. The main components of sweet potato is starch, there are also high in fiber and vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 ... Because of the advantages so so sweet potatoes are very good for health.

Good for diabetics

The research on animals shows the relationship between the consumption of sweet potatoes and stable condition blood glucose concentrations. One of the causes is due to sweet potato contains many carotenoics. Much research suggests that carotenoids function to regulate blood sugar. Sweet potatoes are also likely to reduce the insulin resistance. Insulin is necessary for the body to "unlock" cell, allowing blood sugar goes into the cell. Insulin resistance means that when cells don't respond to insulin, not allowing blood glucose goes into the cells in a natural way to nourish cells.

Fiber-rich sources available in sweet potatoes also work good for diabetics because of fiber has the effect of lowering blood sugar levels by reducing the speed of food are converted into glucose variations to be absorbed into the blood. Moreover, because of the composition are more complex carbohydrates so sweet potatoes can help to control body weight.

Against free radicals

Free radicals are the types of chemicals that can harm the body cells. The new research was to discover that there are types of proteins in sweet potatoes are resistant to oxygen (antioxidant) is very high.

These proteins contain about 1/3 the amount of antioxidant the most important in the body's glutathione.

Thanks to contain a high content of vitamin A and vitamin C, sweet potatoes can prevent the cell damage, against the free radicals in the body. The formation of free radicals are considered the causes of diseases such as hardening of the arteries, diabetes, heart disease, cancer.

Help bright eyes, skin health

The sweet potato is a source of vitamin C, helps prevent colds and the flu virus. At the same time, vitamin C is also essential for bones and teeth, good for the digestive system and the formation of blood cells. Also, vitamin C also contribute to wound healing, collagen creation always keep your skin fresh, reduce stress and protect the body from these toxins cause cancer at high risk.

Beta carotene is the precursor of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A maintains the eyes bright and healthy skin.

Reduce the risk of breast cancer

The orange on the sweet potato crust is indication of very high levels of carotene of tubers. Group substance carotene helps increase market power, boosting the immune system, antioxidant and prevents aging. A study by the UNIVERSITY of Harvard (USA) taken over 124,000 people showed that those who consumed foods rich in carotene in regular diet to lose more than 32% risk of lung cancer.

In addition, women who had the highest carotene concentration risk of recurrence of breast cancer. This is the conclusion of scientists from WHEL (women's Healthy Eating and Living) came after conducting research on women who completed the first phase of treatment of this disease.

Help lose weight

Sweet potatoes also is the number 1 choice for people who want to lose fat. The energy contained in sweet potatoes very little, only 1/3 in comparison with rice and 1/2 compared to the potatoes. Tubers do not contain cholesterol, and fat prevent sugar metabolic process in the food into fat and fat in the body. Eat sweet potatoes before meals will make no sense, so the belly will decrease the amount of food to be absorbed in the main meal.

Treatment of peptic ulcer

Sweet potatoes also have the ability to soothe and treat stomach ulcers because it contains more vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and beta carotene. Had fiber in sweet potatoes help prevent constipation and controlling the concentration of acids in the stomach should also contribute to reduce the pain and inflammation of stomach ulcers.

Stimulates digestion, cure constipation

The simplest way is to eat boiled sweet potatoes. Eat sweet potatoes in moderation (100 g/day) is very beneficial to the digestive system because the components of vitamin C and the amino acid helps stimulate peristalsis, making the process of digestion of food become faster, prevent constipation.

In addition, to cure constipation can also drink water boiled sweet potatoes (washed rind). However, eating too many sweet potatoes also will cause bloating, indigestion.


Sweet potatoes have the ability to fight infection very well because it contains more vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin B6 and manganese. The world's scientists have found out the effect of reducing inflammation in the brain tissue and nerve tissue throughout the body when we eat sweet potatoes regularly.

Preventing arthritis

Beta cryptoxanthin plentiful in sweet potatoes have preventative effects of chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism. In addition, beta cryptoxanthin also helps to increase the intensity of strong bones, strengthen the immune system and skin. The results of scientific research in the world shows the consumption of many beta cryptoxanthin helps reduce 50% of the rate of development of arthritis. Additionally, vitamin C contained in sweet potatoes also help maintain collagen and reduce the rate of development of arthritis.

The best sweet potato time

Lunch is the ideal time to choose sweet potato dish for herself. Because of the amount of calcium in the body after the sweet potatoes need to 4-5 pm recently absorbed. On the other hand, the afternoon sunlight good for promoting calcium absorption by the body. When the body absorbs most of the amount of calcium is also necessary at excited with dinner.

However, should not eat sweet potatoes along the red berries because the sugar in the sweet potatoes will ferment in the stomach, the acid secretion increases from that room. This acid enzymes combined with tannin contained in red berries cause reactions create precipitation, harmful to the stomach. Long days can lead to stomach ulcers or bleeding.

Uses of vegetable sweet potato

Anti constipation by vegetable sweet potato

The phenomenon of constipation is common condition in the mother. Sweet potatoes contain very little fat, no cholesterol. Because there are many components in fiber should both bulbs and vegetable sweet potato can be processed into many dishes that have the effect of helping the laxative for her vote, preventing constipation.

Treatment of anorexia in children: To eat sweet potato powder red gold miles by sexual harassment with the powder, milk.

Cure Orange area of children: Young sweet potato leaves 100 g liver membranes, 2 g. Excellent drink or sexual harassment with powdered milk.

Quáng chicken: Lsweet potatoes sauteed chicken liver preterm Asiatic or pig liver.

The lack of milk: Fresh sweet potato leaves non 250 g, 200 g pork strips. Sautéed soft, Add seasonings.

There are also other effects such as : decoction of leaves of sweet potato has a very pronounced laxative effect which does not cause stomach upset, or eat all the leaves with the dosage of 60-100gam fresh leaves, 30-40 grams of dried leaves or tuber cooked

The way of processing vegetable sweet potato

Sweet potato vegetable works well in terms of healing, ease of digestion when we make boiled dish, just take advantage of vegetable juice, and easy processing, if you like the more fussy can stir-fry garlic is also very delicious and suitable in the winter.

Some points to note when using sweet potatoes

Do not use sweet potatoes (tubers and vegetables) at too hungry because when it was low blood sugar, do down more causes fatigue.

Not to eat spinach because often contains much calcium can cause kidney stones.

Should eat animal protein with plant, to balance the composition.

In sweet potato with high sugar, if eating a lot, especially when hungry will cause increased secretion of room do bowel, belching hot steam expansion engines, abdomen and sour. To avoid this situation must be cooked sweet potato, boiled, baked or cooked for real more less alcohol in cooking to destroy nature. If possible, get a drink of ginger to cure.

When the boiled spinach to eat and healing, should take water Monday as the first water is often harsh and pungent.=



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