Save the skin after a long day of sitting in the air and against the office

Already an office lady, you will not be able to avoid 8 hours / day, 5 days / week to get the air conditioner; even when the hot sun is still there, the dependence on air is nearly 24/7.

However, do you know that this thing that is close to us every day is one of the "criminals" that makes aging skin faster? According to Dr. Heather Hausenblas of the University of Florida on Human Health and Performance: "Conditioning not only takes away moisture but also loses nutrients from the skin, leading to unwanted problems. ".

And yet, once you step outside in the hot air into the cool air-conditioned room, this sudden temperature change will have a very negative effect on your skin: "The body and skin may not be able to withstand the present." this statue, leading to a series of problems such as premature wrinkles, acne outbreaks, dry, itchy and peeling skin, loss of elasticity . ". But not all ways to prevent premature aging due to sitting in the air conditioner, here are 4 tips you should apply immediately to "save" your skin.

1. Never forget to apply moisturizer in the morning

Many women only apply moisturizers in the evening but forget that the skin also needs to maintain moisture for a long day by applying a cream in the morning. Otherwise, the outdoor elements such as sun, wind, especially air conditioning will cause moisture in the skin to be lost, leading to consequences such as oily skin, more acne, dullness and back Long-term wrinkles also form, causing skin to sag.

So, whether or not you sit in the air conditioner, apply moisturizer in the morning. Note that, in order for the skin not to feel heavy, the squash and pores are clogged, choose a light-thin moisturizer, non-comedogenic notes (without clogging pores, birth acne). Also, don't forget to clean your skin before applying moisturizer to better absorbing nutrients.

2. Drink enough water, add fruit

Just moisturizing the skin from the outside has never been enough, you need to supply moisture and replenish vitamins from the inside, the new skin "peacefully" goes through 8 hours (or more) sitting peace. So, besides skin care, never forget the task of drinking enough 1.5 - 2 liters of water every day and eat lots of green vegetables, fruits . Maintaining this eating habit, the skin is not only moist but also toxin excretion, smooth, pinkish skin from inside.

3. Have a mineral spray bottle available

In case your moisturizer is not enough to maintain moisture for the skin all day long, making a bottle of mineral spray is never superfluous. But you should note, not all mineral water spray moisturizes skin, if only pure water, plus aromatherapy and alcohol . this product even makes the skin drier. So in order to know if the mineral spray you are about to buy may be responsible for moisturizing the skin, check if the product contains ingredients such as HA, Glycerin or Niacinamide.

4. Put humidifier in the room

According to Dr. Heather Hausenblas: "The moisture that the body and skin need to be in the range of 40 - 60%". And you can adjust this number by buying yourself a humidifier. This device is not only useful when you sit in air conditioning but in winter, when the weather is super dry, you don't worry about the skin affected by the negative weather factor. But even if you use a humidifier, you still need to apply a moisturizer to your skin and drink enough water!



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