Allergic child because ... the neighbor dog many cats

(Phunutoday)-dog cat has long become the friend of many families. However the process of exposure and joking with love again risk potential allergies not only with adults but also with the baby.
When do baby pet allergies?
Allergies to pets in the home is an immune response with fur, saliva, urine or feces of animals. Furry animal itself is not the cause of allergies which fur could capture pollen, dust, mold, and other allergy-causing agents. When a child is exposed to pets, allergies resources will penetrate through the breath or when children are in direct contact with the saliva or feces of pets, the child's immune system will alert and produced the histamins and more than 40 other chemicals to fight the cause of allergies. Histamine causing inflammation of the nose and respiratory tract, and other chemicals that can cause the common allergy symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and symptoms of asthma like coughing or wheezing. Fact, most asthma appears in children and can cause very soon from pets. According to Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh, Department of allergy, Clinical Immunology, hospital, Bach Mai, in Vietnam, the rate of allergies caused by dog, cat fur in between 5%-7%, is common in people who have allergic as cavernous sinus allergy rhinitis, asthma, eczema, conjunctivitis, urticaria spring ... The species such as dogs, hamsters, pigs, cats can all cause allergic reactions to the child. Common symptoms of a patient allergic to pets is after the contact with them will be eczema, allergic rhinitis, suffering from strabismus milk (in children), urticaria, severe cases can even be quinck edema (swollen face match). In the case of sensitive, not even directly fed or exposed animals (especially cats), patients can still be affected. A baby being hen (derived from allergic to cats), sitting next to a person of breeding cats will have the risk of seizure. One other case that DR Snow-Chairman of the Hbox cleaning HO CHI MINH CITY. HCM's patients frequently complain the often suffer from allergies due ... the neighbor dog many cats, fur and the secretion to the home, why not get out


The child protection safety pet party

If you want to have a pet in the House, but the suspect children you may be allergic, then wait until your baby is at least 6 years old. The symptoms of allergy occur less often in children. For example, an allergic reaction with pets can cause your child breathing when your baby is 4, 5 years old. While this allergic reaction causing slight cough for children 8 years of age. Who could easily lead to allergic asthma. 50% of patients with allergic rhinitis have this disease. In addition, if the father or mother is the person with asthma or allergic body, the children are also very easy to similar diseases should need to be careful when raising pets in the House. Although the fur is much easier to avoid with avoiding pollen or dust, but a number of allergens in animals, such as cats, hairy scales may also be very difficult to control. The society of allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) of the United States recommends that you follow these steps: 1. Keep pets clean:

DD's is one of the best ways to minimize the contact between the children with these allergens. Take a bath for a pet/per week then Neem Oil and lubricating to the skin of the animal. Use Neem Oil not only softens and moisturizes the skin but also have the effect of excluding fleas – Mon cause itching, leading to distracting pet scratching and doing the hair scales more dispersal. 2. General hygiene:

Home clean as possible means as few allergens, dirt, fur scales ... things are easy to disperse in the air, clinging on to the furniture, dishes, carpets, curtains, even on the wall. So if someone in your home suffers from allergies, which also feed a pet, you must take care of hygiene and housing. Take a dry cotton, animal bedding, curtains regularly with warm water. Note: Please wear a mask when cleaning, as well as avoid dust when you are in the room.Because of the thick curtains or carpeting can retain the allergens within six months, should you consider the story take off the carpet away and instead by the slippery floor type (wood slices or lined with fabric, vegetable oil), at least in my room. With the smooth, hard surface like that, you just use the Duster is effective. 3. Set the barrier:

Although pets seem to have clean sweet but you still have to not limit it in some areas, especially the kitchen, the bedroom, the room. After the play with a pet, you let the child take a bath and change clothes; If not possible, then at least wash your hands for you and then before bed then shampoo bath (you don't want me to bring allergens into the bedroom?). Suit instead, if not dry was right then also need to own a place. You should also not for a pet to climb up the Chair, because nothing kept Pat furs "good" as both the seats. If unable to do so, or dog/cat home you have a favorite seat that you don't dare you all spaces, then wrap the couch or sofa in fabric upholstery can be removed and dry easily.=



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