How is MSG used is reasonable?

Scientific disciplines on the application of amino acids in life has made a significant step forward when Professor Kikunae Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial University to discover that glutamate, one of more than 20 amino acids exist in common foods such as meat, seafood, milk and dairy products , vegetables ..., have the ability to bring good characteristics which the Japanese called "umami", while the Vietnam known under the name "sweet meat" familiar. After this discovery, he has invented a spice MSG with pure glutamate is the main ingredient in 1909. Today, MSG is used in over 100 different countries, on an industrial scale as well as at home.

Some consumers also fret about how to use Msg. However, the following information will help consumers better understand how to use this Spice:

First, the MSG is the colorless, odorless spice so can suit many ways in post-processing of dishes such as sauteed, fried, cooked ... until used in the sauce.

Second, MSG can be wedged into any time during processing. Fact, prepare temperature range 130-135oC with plenty of water; 155-170oC with the use of butter dishes; 175-200oC oil used to fry dishes, fried; In addition, some oven can put hiệt up about 250oC The scientific data shows in cooking generally safe for food, MSG is not being transformed into the components are not good for health. So, sweet powder flavoring can be on any time to create the highest performance for the dish.

Msg might be flavoring in any time to create the highest performance for the dish

Specifically; with the fried dishes, fried, grilled marinated before cooking MSG should at least 15 minutes to infuse fresh powder deep into the food; with fried dishes or broth/soup, can freeze a part of MSG on raw materials to increase the natural sweetness of raw material to finished cooking at near can spice lows once more to help improve the taste of the dish.

Dr. Nair Thu Late

The Dean of nutrition-Paediatric hospital 2=



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