12 types of cheap food sold in the market prevent cancer effectively


This familiar spice is often present in fish, eel . to drown out the fishy smell. Many studies show that anethole especially in fennel can reduce inflammation and can prevent cancer.


Chamomile works very well for people with insomnia. A cup of chamomile tea before going to bed will help you sleep better and deeper. Chrysanthemum mouthwash has been studied in the prevention and treatment of mouth sores by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Chamomile tea is beneficial for digestion, reducing stomach contractions. Chamomile calms muscle contractions, especially the intestinal muscles.


According to Naturalnews, hyssop has high levels of antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds. A teaspoon of hyssop has an antioxidant power equivalent to 2 cups of red grapes. Marjoram contains phytochemical quercetin, which is known to slow cancer growth. In addition, marjoram is an abundant source of vitamin K and iron.


This tuber contains vescalin (C27H20O8) which is a natural anti-cancer active ingredient. Research shows that people who regularly eat this tuber have a 25% lower incidence of stomach cancer than those who eat less or not at all. In the case of gastric cancer, onion supplementation is applied, the mortality rate is 30% lower than the other group.


Capsaicin in chili helps strengthen cardiovascular health by improving blood solubility, fighting inflammation. It also slows growth, even kills cancer cells without damaging surrounding cells.


Carrots contain carotene, protid, lipid, glucide, water, cenluloz, mineral salts and vitamins C, D, E, B1, B2. Carrots of carrots applied to the skin treat some diseases such as pimples, fungi, eczema, burns, ulcerative wounds, complementary treatment for breast cancer, carcinoma. Carrots and green and yellow vegetables also work to prevent cancer. According to the study, live carrots contain a large amount of substances that are resistant to colon, rectal, and breast cancer.

Sweet potato

Of the 20 most pronounced types of fruit and vegetable inhibition, sweet potatoes were ranked first. Glycolipid in sweet potatoes has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, sweet potatoes contain an active substance that inhibits and kills cancer cells, further helping to restore weakened immune systems, preventing breast cancer and colon cancer.

Types of mushrooms

A Japanese experiment demonstrated that the anticancer rate of fungal polysaccharides is up to 80-95%, many types of malignant cancer cells such as leukemia, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and cancer. intestine, liver cancer, etc. are clearly inhibited.


Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins C, E and carotene, the total amount of vitamins of cabbage is 3 times higher than tomatoes, so cabbage has a strong anti-oxidant and anti-aging effect. Cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin U, which works to treat ulcers very well, can heal sores quickly, as well as prevent more serious ulcers.

In addition, cabbage can kill other cells that often lead to white blood disease in the body, helping to prevent bowel cancer.


In cauliflower contains a lot of glucoraphanin, gluconasturtian and glucobrassicin belonging to the group of toxic waste, which purifies the body's toxins.

Regularly eating cauliflower can prevent stomach cancer, lung cancer and esophageal cancer. A number of independent Danish, British and Finnish studies also show that eating 100g of cauliflower daily reduces the risk of lung cancer and prostate cancer.


Tomatoes contain a large amount of lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that is thought to be one of the inhibitors of cancer cells while counteracting the formation of blood clots in the arteries, neutralizing free radicals in the body. , prevention of stomach cancer and gastrointestinal cancers. This cheap fruit also helps prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer effectively.


Garlic has the effect of increasing the body's immunity and killing carcinogens. The allium compound found in garlic helps prevent carcinogens from entering the body's cells, while also being able to slow down the growth of cancer cells.



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