The mistake of eating yogurt makes you gain weight

Not considering the size

Eat too much sour milk is not recommended but how to control the exact amount of rations again is not easy. Don't just estimate portions of your yogurt with the naked eye that make weighs them really to make sure that your selection does not exceed the needs of nutrition that your body needs every day.

Eating too much yogurt not only weight gain, but also cause disease.

Pay attention to calories

Calculation of the calories is a way to help you control the diet drink refills the body effectively. But if just focus on finding the products that are labeled "low in calories" on the packaging, you can make mistakes.

Instead of checking the calories that the product offers, you have to pay attention to their protein content. A sour milk jugs to provide 100 calories usually contains only about 6 g of protein.

Therefore, you should choose the products with higher protein intake, from 12 g to 15 g to help you have the feeling no longer and less appetite.

Do not check the protein component on yogurt

Usually she chubby just take care to choose the type of yogurt have calories less real ingredients and forgot about the protein. This makes you will feel hungry when not loaded enough protein for the body carry the hunger struck inadvertently and you couldn't resist the stomach is réo rắt.

Non-fat yogurt

Yogurt that contains no fat is just a "Hyena" advertised by the manufacturer. All types of yogurt contain natural sugars because they are a product derived from milk. Not to mention, the manufacturers also add sugar to improve the taste of the dish was popular.

Processing of yogurt into dessert

Homemade yogurt can be processed into junk food not "healthy", especially when you eat them at the store or café. They can contain more fat than, mixed with dry fruits which contain a lot of sugar. Though the appetite but made rapid increases in weight.

Therefore, to weigh carefully before calling the yogurt dish outside the store and always choose the food "healthy" when it combined them with yogurt.

Note When using yogurt

Should not eat yogurt at hunger: When hungry, room in the stomach pH from 2 back down will do lactic yeast in yogurt easily destroyed. Good for use only in yogurt for 1-2 hours after a meal.

Not eating yogurt and taking drugs at the same time: the lactic bacteria in yogurt will have been destroyed.

Need to pay attention to quality when purchasing yogurt, and is preserved in the cooler compartment of the freezer instead of preventing cold as many thought.=



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