5 mistakes that 99% of housewives often make when cooking fish, leave immediately before it's too late

Flipping fish too much

Overfishing fish when processing will lose the deliciousness of fish. The reason for turning too many fish and too early will be cracking, cracking or sticking to the pan. Therefore, you try to flip the fish at the lowest number of times and do not use tongs when flipping them because they can break the fish. Let's fry one side of the fish for it to be crispy and turn to the other side. If the fish has enough time to fry, you will flip it easily.

Remove fish skin before cooking

Many people when processing often remove fish skin before cooking because they fear that the skin layer is peeled and exploded. This is a mistake, because the protein in fish skin makes it easy to flip and move in the pan, when you remove the fish skin layer will accidentally make the piece of fish easily rubbed, broken and less brittle.

Fish skin should not be removed during processing

Defrost fish with hot water

One of the most common mistakes in fish processing lies in defrosting fish. Because of the rush to use fish, some people have used a lot of hot water to dissolve the cold stone without knowing that it accidentally created favorable conditions for bacteria to penetrate deep into the fish. Defrosting fish at room temperature also provides many opportunities for bacteria to grow. Instead, defrost fish before 4-5 hours in the refrigerator compartment.

Frying pan is not hot enough

In the past, there is still the question of "speeding up inadequacy". This is also true during fish processing. Right from heating the pan and cooking oil will determine if the fish you cook is delicious and beautiful.

Just a little bit impatient, you can ruin an attractive fried fish by hand. If the frying pan is not hot enough, but you have poured cooking oil and put the fish into the fry, it will cause the fish to cook unevenly, the fish will be more likely to suck in oil and the fish will stick to the pan.

Do not turn the fish continuously when frying

Cook fish for too long

One of the most common mistakes is cooking fish for too long. If you fry fish in a pan for too long, it can cause fish flesh to dry and lose its natural flavor. Not to mention, when you fry fish too much, it will lose the healthy nutrients in fish.

Fried fish that flipped continuously

Overfishing fish when processing will lose the deliciousness of fish. The reason for turning too many fish and too early will be cracking, cracking or sticking to the pan. Therefore, you try to flip the fish at the lowest number of times and do not use tongs when flipping them because they can break the fish.

Let's fry one side of the fish for it to be crispy and turn to the other side. If the fish has enough time to fry, you will flip it easily. Remember, don't be too hot.
