4 beautiful people entangled 'suspected' cut eyelid

In a few recent events, Miss Jennifer Pham appears with puffy eyes. The eyelids of a beauty to the extraordinary depth and made many people put out questionable cut her eyelid.

Jennifer Pham inherent eye shape, lining the upper eyelid eyes should swept though makeup or use the patch file eyelid, then her eyes still not impressed.

Earlier, Chi Pu also struck suspected projects surgery eyelid when appearing with swollen eyelids.

Soon after, the beauty admits she used the surgical cut excess eyelid skin. Chi Pu which has two eyes quite small but lovely eyelid, in harmony with the face. The way the eyelids to get much comment is making her look older.

The eyelids to her clearly, ' Princess ' Sala crocodile suspected of being a product of aesthetic surgery technology.

LY NHA KY was also entangled rumors cutlery when to reveal swollen eyelid abnormalities.

The method of cut two eye lids are quite common in the Asian countries, especially South Korea and China. This is considered a minor cosmetic surgery, done within 30-60 minutes, is painless and does not leave scars.