Delicious beef selection tips: Looking over 2 seconds to know delicious meat is not old, no chemicals

How to distinguish old cows and cows

When buying beef, you do not choose cows with a grain of flesh, a darker red color than a young cow, a fat that is gray or dark yellow. All kinds of old beef eat chewy, cook as long as possible.

You should choose the young cows beef with fine fibers, soft flesh, bright red, fat white. Thit cows are usually better than bulls. When you go to the market and choose to buy beef, you should take the bright red beef, not too deep red, small grain, smooth, firm, not stick to your hands, this is a good standard meat.

Delicious meat has good elasticity

Choose delicious beef through the fat layer

When shopping for beef, housewives look at the fat of beef. If the fat layer is yellow, the new meat is fat. Young beef has white fat, soft meat, very fine flesh. Old beef, the big red flesh, gray fat should not be chosen because it is not delicious.

How to choose beef beef stew

The stew should choose the meat with tendons or tendons: beef, tendons, oxtail, beef thigh . delicious new dishes. When cooking dishes such as stewed beef, add ingredients such as garlic, ginger, cinnamon bark, cloves . the dish will be more delicious, not greasy, high nutritional value.

Fresh red beef is always delicious

How to eliminate the smell of beef

When you buy beef to deodorize beef, you only need to take a ginger and then cook it cooked, scrape the burnt crust, grind and rub on beef about 5 minutes. After that, you should rinse with water, make sure the smell of beef will be much better.
