Faintly touch this point to know the crisp-fresh-delicious-sweet plum: Team like to eat certain plums must know

Good tips to help housewives choose fresh plums

- Look at colors: Most plums sold in fruit shops are dark red, purple or light red (a bit like orange). You should choose fruit with a uniform color around.

- Choose smooth pods: If you have bruises, bruises or cuts on the skin, you should not buy them because the plum has shown signs of internal decay. You should not buy plums with wrinkled shells as they are not fresh fruits.

- Squeeze the flesh (near the stem) of the plum: If you find it hard, the plum is not ripe yet. To make soft plums, you can put it in a paper bag for a day or two. However, you should note, softening does not rate magic with the ripeness of the fruit.

- Feel the weight of the fruit: When holding a plum hand, it shows that there are lots of water in it, you should buy it. The fruit is light without any feeling that it has been wilted or dehydrated.

Note the distinction between Vietnamese plum and Chinese plum

Usually in the wholesale markets, there are dozens of plums ranging from many types of Vietnamese plum (plum blossom, plum blossom .) to Chinese plums. Not many people know how to distinguish them, only when they buy back, discouraged to discover that they have bought Chinese plums that are not delicious in Vietnamese plum, but also easily broken down. To avoid this situation, immediately consult some of the characteristics of the plums:

Vietnamese plum has many types: small plum rice like marbles, sour and green, when ripe with red spots but still green inside. Plum blossom, plum blood, when ripe outside the red is covered with a layer like white chalk on the shell, the inside of the plum has a red purple color, crunchy, ripe fruit is sweet, mixed with sour taste. The plum is green, the palms are soft, the gut is yellow, the taste is more sour. There are also steel plums, the size of rice plums, but steel plums are quite sour, and are often used as jam.

Chinese black and purple plums are usually as big as chicken eggs, yellow inside, succulent, sweet sweet. This plum is often worn under the name of Sapa plum making many people confused.

Chinese plums are normally shiny, yellowish-colored with white chalk, crispy, sweet, and when eaten, the seeds will be separated and not sticky like Vietnamese plum. In addition, another unusual feature is that Chinese plums are susceptible to gut after a short time, very quickly damaged, and cannot be preserved for a long time like Vietnamese plum.
