Plums, 7 are very good for the health of plums

According to experts, eating plum properly will have some health benefits as follows:

Prevent cancer

According to scientists, the red blue pigment called anthocyanin found in plums is rich in antioxidants, helping to remove free radicals in the body, preventing cancer risk.

Good for bones and joints

According to India Times, plums can significantly increase bone mineral density in the spine and forearm.

Improve memory

Antioxidants in plums help restore cells in damaged brain. Eating 3-4 plums every day will help you improve your memory effectively.

Control blood sugar

Plums are fruits with very low GI blood sugar levels, which help you control blood sugar, reduce your risk of diabetes.

AIDS digestion

In plums contains lots of fiber and isatin, sorbitol, helps regulate the function of the digestive system. Eating plums helps regulate bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation.

Protect the heart

Plums are rich in potassium. A plum contains about 113 mg of potassium, helps control high blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke and prevents cardiovascular problems.

Purify the blood

Studies have shown that plums' ability to provide abundant fiber helps prevent platelet clumping, one of the causes of blood disorders such as arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. Plums also help purify the blood by providing extra oxygen.

The content of vitamin C in plums is quite high, so it can enhance the body's ability to absorb iron. In addition, vitamin C also helps prevent oxidized cholesterol inside the arteries. Therefore, eating plums can be effective in preventing diseases such as sclerosis or atherosclerosis.
