Do not use toxic food wrap: Preserving food in this way is both convenient and safe for health

6 ways to preserve convenient food is safe for health

1. Put the plate on the bowl

This is extremely simple, isn't it? Not asking for many things but also suitable for lazy people too.

You just need to put leftover food in the bowl, then turn the plate over. Now you can put things in the cabinet without any problems with the refrigerator smell. However, keep in mind that you choose the type of disc suitable for the bowl of food, avoid the disc too big, the bowl is too small and vice versa.

2. Shop for silicone caps

Silicon is a material that can withstand heat well and durable. So you can buy this silicon lid to help with food preservation. However, the disadvantage is that silicon cannot be recycled, so this is probably not the best solution for the kitchen when you are trying to "live green".

3. Heat-resistant glass case

What's more amazing when these glass boxes not only preserve good food but they are also resistant to high heat, used in microwave ovens.

Put leftovers in the box, close the lid and finish. If the next day, you want to heat the leftover portion of food, just remove the lid and put it back into the heater.

4. Banknotes or foil wrappers

This is also one of the relatively popular ways to preserve leftovers. Many people believe that the use of banknotes is convenient compared to plastic wrap. However, banknotes cannot be used in microwave ovens when you want to reheat or process food with this type of oven. Silver paper makes it easier to wrap food. They are quite tough and durable, so it is suitable to wrap food before putting it in the refrigerator. In addition, foil also has the ability to prevent frozen food.

5. Food freezer bags are capable of killing bacteria

These bags have the function of keeping food cold in the freezer and with a bactericidal effect to ensure food safety needs to be preserved. They are relatively new methods of preserving food and are considered environmentally friendly. This type of bag is suitable for storing food in a short time. If you want to keep leftovers in a long time, you should choose another method because the durability and toughness of this bag is not high, so it is easy to make food frozen.

6. Vacuum bag

Some types of vacuum bags can be used several times but most are disposable ones. This preservation method is the best choice for dry, water-free food. In addition, vacuum bags are no longer used to preserve fresh foods in the refrigerator. Because the air is sucked out, the vacuum bag will keep food fresh longer.

Harm of food wrap film

Due to misuse, the plasticizer is susceptible to food. When people eat, toxins also easily penetrate the body and cause harm. 15/16 wrap products were declared banned by China Central Television. When exceeding the threshold, plasticizers like DEHP are at risk of poisoning the user.

In many countries, DEHA plastic has been banned for a long time. This is a substance that can affect hormones, endocrine disorders. When a large amount of DEHA accumulates, estrogen in the body increases dramatically, a cause of breast cancer. It causes male hormones to drop, causing infertility. For women, it causes early puberty. This affects the reproductive health of users, especially the development of the genitals of young children.

In addition, to make plastic more flexible, softer, some manufacturing facilities also put in plasticizer CD (catdimi). This is also a substance harmful to health, causing incurable diseases.

The use of PVC wrap itself to wrap food also has many potential dangers. When wrapping hot food or putting it in the microwave, the membrane is broken down and releases toxic substances of the dioxin group. These substances enter the food and accumulate in the body when you eat and drink. With a large amount, they are easily harmful to health, especially the heart, liver .

How to use the safest membrane

The choice of food wrap film and the proper use of food preservation is very important in ensuring food safety.

- Ideally, you should buy a wrap that has a reputable brand, and a quality certificate of management agencies.

- Researchers have demonstrated that films made from PE materials are safe because of less additives from PVC materials. How to distinguish:

PVC film: Ivory / white or light yellow and less tough when stretched; palpation has a sticky feeling; it is difficult to separate the membrane layers when they come into direct contact with each other; difficult to burn, only burn when burned directly by fire and has a pungent odor.

PE film: White, transparent, tough when stretched; When touching and the product is less sticky, it is easier to separate the sheaths when they come into direct contact with each other; It is easy to burn with fire and burn very quickly, does not turn off and almost does not create a burning odor.

- When preserving food, wrap it at least 2.5 cm from the food.

- Remove the wrap film when reheating.

- Store the wrap at room temperature. Do not use molded, creased wraps, place too long and reuse.
