His most delicious snails boil

Selecting delicious tasty Snail snail have you located outside, when touching, you closed. In contrast, deep indented in the real estate is not delicious. The snail dies, the heady smell very unpleasant.

Delicious and hard to resist.

Preliminary processing

Buy snail about dipping into water or wash the rice vicissitudes half a day for most of the dirt. To change the water, if it is clean water, dirt is. Want to clean the slimy snail remember for water soaking the brass say into peppers.

According to the folk experience, when washing the snails to boil not been boiled, when damping screw boiling yet not open to swing and not be mixing screws up. If not doing so would break the gut and eating snails will suffer suspension. Pour into the basket snail rub for dirt on the bark bòng, favors clean.

How to boil

How to boil the tasty boiled Snail snail dish is delicious so that way the boil should also require our best is carefully as well as understand it. Pour water into the pot, the snail for a handful of lime leaves (or leaf grapefruit, lemon-leaf) a little bit of water melon sour salt, a pinch of salt, then cover the pot, heat both fire.

When boiling out the open movement brandishing snail, Island up a weekly notice flaking scales. Pour the hot bowls of snails (remember to keep drinking water is very tasty), medium sized snail xuýt erotic massage hand Burns, burns the lips because the snails, because peppers, spicy ginger burning new real luỡi is delicious.

Just 2-3 minutes after boiling is the snail, do not boil too long lest indented in the snail gut and fragments, it is difficult quite striking.

His most delicious nut boiled.

Nut sauce

Snails are delicious boiled or not depends up to 70% on sauce dishes so you remember to mix sauce in order: sugar, (msg), lemon (remove the seeds), fish sauce, ginger, garlic, chilies, lime leaves, Lemongrass (spice things comes after the sauce used to own, customize the taste of each person for taste).

Accompanying sauce is made with delicious sauce mixed with yellow ginger, red peppers, sweet powder Med pounding and squeezed more the fruit of green blueberries.


Do not open the swing, not boiling in the pot before mixing. Finishing boiled snail should eat right while still hot "Burns". If need to part for anyone, it is best you just prepared, when would eat boiled new, just a few minutes.=
