Mistakes when eating melon makes many people receive poison, especially the second thing causes many dangerous diseases

Eat salted coffee

When coffee is still alive in stems, leaves, flowers and cannons contain some poison. The more bitter the coffee, the better the poison. The main poison in coffee is usually alkaloids and has a toxic amount of solanine. When you eat marshmallows, they have not killed all the toxins, vijcaay pungent agar resulting in the nitrate content converted into nitrite by microorganisms in salted pickled water. Nitrit will then combine with amino acids in foods such as crab, shrimp, fish, meat, especially shrimp sauce and become nitrosamines causing disease in the human body.

Do not eat melon too sour

Eat too acidic salt

Many people prefer to eat pickled tomato, but this causes illness. Because acid-rich tomato pickles cause stomach ulcers that are not good for humans. In addition, non-food coffee is recommended for people with heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcers should not eat pickled pickles because they are high in salt, high digestive enzymes, yes can cause adverse health complications.

Do not eat pickled vegetables

How to eat safe coffee

Salt should be made of salt, porcelain: When making pickles or pickles, you should choose to make things like porcelain. It should not be made of plastic because toxins such as fumes may fade into food that can cause your body to become poisoned. And absolutely do not put into paint cans even if you have washed them very clean.

When salt water melon you should not give too much salt because salt is the culprit causing high blood pressure, cardiovascular . for the elderly. Only eat medium to medium-sized veggies without eating salty or sour.
