The mother elected to eat orange to increase the resistance to reduce birth defects for the fetus, the baby gained weight in the abdomen

Increases resistance

According to nutrition experts, orange juice is especially rich in calcium and vitamins than dairy products - has the ability to fight colds and enhance immunity. To increase the body's immunity, women should drink orange juice daily.

Preventing birth defects

Surely his mother may have heard about the role of folate and folic acid minerals during pregnancy. This nutrient is essential to prevent early birth defects in pregnancy and ensure a healthy pregnancy later.

Citrus helps reduce fetal malformations

Regulating blood pressure

Because the orange juice is rich in calcium, folic acid, potassium, it is good to regulate and stabilize blood pressure, so it is quite safe for pregnant women with high blood pressure.

Detoxify the body

Limonoid in orange juice helps prevent cancer and has detox and diuretic effect. Pregnant women often eat oranges with relatively low rates of cancer (lung and stomach). The fiber in oranges also helps the mother to have a better laxity. However, any pregnant woman who has gastrointestinal disorders should not eat more oranges and if she drinks orange juice, she should dilute it with water.

Orange juice helps mother vote to increase resistance

Some noted when pregnant mother drank orange juice

- Mom should not drink milk after drinking orange juice because milk protein will react with tartaric acid and vitamin C in orange juice, it not only affects the digestion and absorption of food but also can cause abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, .

- The pregnant mother has problems with stomach, duodenum, pancreatitis or gastric ulcer is best not to drink this type of water because there are many organic substances in the orange will increase the amount of acid in the stomach, can make The situation becomes more serious.

- Mother should not use canned orange juices as these can be added with chemical sugars to make pregnant women easy to gain weight and the risk of gestational diabetes. Furthermore, during transport and storage, some boxes of orange juice may be contaminated which will affect the health of pregnant women and their babies.
