'Roster' will have happy

To know my fiance's family is very wealthy, back home to stay in the city, friends and relatives who are also happy, someone said: "OK, roster happy!".

But my mother's own expressed the fear. At the time, I didn't understand it was the mother's name no anxieties should reassure: "mom, he very love that child". Parents also know that, if not, certainly no mother bear the married I give you.

Started on making strawberry, I slowly penetrates the mother's worry is unfounded. The rich and poor of the two families arose many differences.

To adapt, I have to change over to live stranger to himself. I must Cook, eat food that my husband likes to eat and it does taste a bit. The dinner table always white towel-covered muốt with the more expensive bowls make me worry any security. I fumble just afraid you've the hand break. Rice now, I see too much, eating through the speakers just look forward soon to stand up.

Home my husband has 4 floors, divided into each room, bedroom, dining room, reading room, work room ... didn't stop there. The Cabinet move from room to room to grab necessary items well enough. May is cleaner to clean each day had you help the ensure. I'm on holiday for a few days, I have to do all the work. Though the husband sympathize, I also help retire to not swallow the floating rice.

Photo illustration.

The day I was born the first child, mother-in-law brought me to a private hospital, register the room full facilities: air conditioning, telephone, TV, fridge, lounge ... it is true that "any money of yours". Parents visit, timid new forever dare put into the hands of my husband's little money, money that I know my mom had to go borrow one. Don't get the fear of mistreatment, mother said to us cooking less, but feel guilty getting restless.

Come on baby crib day too, the red dress is present of her grandmother's real humble compared with the expensive inner-party gift. While not speaking out but I also feel belittled by her husband's family to my house. Many relatives weep at my bra.

There are many other stories of again arising revolves around the issue of communication between the two sui that the disparity is the cause. Between the two families as there is a gap, through together keep the rice and then the gradual sparse. That's what makes both spouses I very miserable.

Now I understand why the mother's day I worry when I decide to grab him. The phrase "roster" right to me at all. I feel very tired and think: nuts several times the price his family "less" rich go a bit, sometimes better.

Now I have to do to be in harmony with her husband's family?=
