Tips to suffering through bitter taste quickly for

Bitter (Han called suffering through), in the Cucurbitaceae. The vitamin C content of fruit stand in the vegetables, melon, pumpkin; fold the 5-20 times the cucumber, have the effect of hemorrhagic disease room, protect cell membranes, atherosclerosis, cancer resistance, resistance, enhanced empathy, protect the heart. Glycoside of bitter has the effect of decreasing blood sugar should have the effect of supporting therapy for diabetes mellitus. Protein of bitter can promote the body's immune system resistant to cancer cells. Regularly eating bitter can enhance the immune function of the body, inhibits HIV.

Bitter (Han called suffering through), in the Cucurbitaceae.

How to reduce the bitterness of melon

Way 1:

Please rinse and then soak the raw fruit melon in the ice a few minutes before further processing.

Method 2:

To cook the soup with the suffering through which when eaten no longer felt the bitter taste of it, first, you should give a gauge through the brass then use salt water to put out the real squeeze on clear salt then Cook.=
