The recipe to make bamboo shoots soaked with chili and garlic is inherited from mother-in-law


2 kg of fresh bamboo shoot

Garlic, chili, white salt, sugar

Glass jar


Step 1: Shoots to buy peeled, peel off the old, rinse, cut off the old, rinse and dry. Then, cut into thin slices like french fries or cut short fibers. Soak in brine brass to prevent from blacking.

You should soak bamboo shoots overnight or 2-3 days for less poison. During soaking bamboo shoots, remember to change water several times to reduce toxins in bamboo shoots. If you do not have time, you can blanch the boiling water.

Shoots after soaking at night, wash with water several times and then let the basket to drain.

Step 2: Cook 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp of salt, 1 tbsp of sugar to boil and then cool.

Step 3: Garlic, chili can be left or sliced ​​thinly. The amount of garlic, chili depending on the ability to eat spicy of the family.

Step 4: After the cold water put the bamboo shoots into the jar, 1 layer of bamboo shoots is 1 layer of chili garlic. Do it to the end.

A little secret to make bamboo shoots soaked better is to put the bile and bile leaves in it. After 5-7 days is edible.

If you want to eat quickly, then add a little vinegar, but this way will make bamboo shoots will not last long and be easy to support.
