The secret to salvage your marriage on the banks of the abyss

1. Defining the problem

Every contradiction, collision exist the problem of its own. If there is disagreement occurs you should be patient and determined existing problems between the two. When it was understood to be the bottom line of the work, you will relax and prevent the ongoing fight may have occurred at two friends argue.

2. Select the word that says

A lot of couples turning the marriage of her into hell when the controversy were pushed sharply up irreversible. They are devoted to each other the heavy words, harsh, insulting each other without thinking to the context as well as the words that might cause the other half being hurt. You don't let your relationships fall into that condition. Between the two of you are having problems, please restrain emotions to the limit before getting hurt.

3. Do not use social networks as a weapon

With the explosion of information technology and media, you can easily go to social networks to help put all the anger out there. Do you think why you want to do that?! Simply because you are very embarrassing and uncomfortable, you want to tell all your friends and family view to "disparage the riếu" the other. This is a mistake. So, if you feel uncomfortable about your partner better you should meet to resolve any problems. Everything will become easier as you vent any frustration by commenting "wall" of Face book.

4. Listen to each other

This is the biggest problem that you need to keep in mind. It is difficult when you are angry, crazy but still have to keep the discomfort to hear explained, justified or anything else. However you should know that the key to solve all the disharmony in a relationship is known to listen to. You have to listen to his other half, to avoid hurting them too. This will make it easier when you are sitting down and "expand" his ears.

5. Treat each other with respect and affection

You constantly take advantage that I took was to lower face of him/her? You often expect very much from partners and never be shrugged off in favour of themselves because they? Should not do it. Because it just makes a relationship becomes real and more terrible. Treat each other with respect and love what you two are going to help for the two of you know each other, thinking of each other whenever there is dissonance.

6. Know take time for each other

Know the time spent for each other is a key part to "salvage" in any relationship. You think back to all the special moments that you two used to share sweet together. Please retrieve it by starting a romantic night or just you sitting down to dinner together every night. This is a very important part to you get the lesson started to salvage a relationship.

7. Tell other people

Can you feel too lonely when his mates were sentenced or when you shocked at times fighting first. Take advantage of your friends, relatives to the poll. You can share a bit more about her, or when comfort. Sometimes your friends can be of great help for you. If necessary, you should also consult your home consultant , professional psychological help you have to behave properly with his circumstances.

8. Learn skills to improve relationships

You can read the book on marriage, family or join the courses of conduct in communication, conflict and wife. Imagine, you can't do anything good if not solid theory, lack the accumulated experience. Marriage is long way always arising the difficult, need flexibility flexibility in response can handle the boat of love comes to the end of his life.=
