The serious harm of Coke with her vote

Coke-drinks contain multiple stimulants

Ingredients of Coke contains saturated water CO2, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and usually has more aromas. According to the analysis, a bottle of Coke has a weight of 340g then contains 50-80mg caffeine. Each drink 1 g of the substance, pregnant women may be excitement Central CNS, increases breathing, heart palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, ringing in the ears.

Numerous studies also show that Coke increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Although drinking under 1 g, it still irritate the lining of the stomach, causing nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, ... This substance can quickly go through the stalk each other, affect the fetus. Caffeine is also hindering the absorption of iron and zinc, causing more severe blood shortages in pregnant women. In addition the caffeine can do break these vitamins leads to symptoms of lack of vitamin B1 which manifest as fatigue, anorexia, constipation.

Numerous studies also show that Coke increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. This drink contains phosphate ingredient when combined with iron in the gut on food will create unwanted substances for the human body.

Pregnant women drink plenty of fresh water will gain weight but not enough nourishment to the fetus and the mother.

Coke is a form of food that have "empty calories", which means the only way to generate energy but not with other nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber ...). The coke is beneficial for gastrointestinal tract damage real stars has yet to be verified correctly.

Many experts believe that Coke has only the effect of soft drink rather than help the digestive activity better. Do be more CO2 should tub Coke pungent feeling pleasant and makes the user sees "was thirsty".

When drinking coke, CO2 dissolved in the fresh water goes into the stomach quite a lot, when it was split off from water, gas rises above, stomach contractions and push the CO2 escape cause belching. This is a normal phenomenon rather than help make food more easily digestible. In contrast, putting so much CO2 in the body only, full abdomen more.

The simple sugars in the ingredients of Coke only provides the energy for the user, but does not provide with vitamin, so called "empty calories", it has no benefit for the user if used more and more often.

A fresh-water 330ml cans provide approximately 150kCal, near by the energy of a rice bowl but don't have the nutrients such as rice (protein, vitamins, minerals) and quick absorption line shape of fresh water will make the unstable blood sugar so it is not a good food for health.

On the other hand, if you use lots of fresh water will lead to reduced appetite during the main meal should will lack the necessary nutrients for the body (provided mainly from the packed main).

In General, the notion of drinking fresh water is beneficial for health has not been clearly proven scientifically. So far not yet had any recommendations from the health agencies with regard to the harmful effects of carbonated soft drinks, especially for pregnant women. However, to best protect the health of the mother and baby, before choosing to follow the recommendation, the women need to consult the doctor to have a reasonable diet.

With cancer

Swedish scientists conducted and published in the journal of Clinical Nutrition, tracking the health of more than 8000 men aged 45 to 73 over a period of 15 years and come to the conclusion is a potential coke in carcinogens such as methylmadizole. According to the scientists, the sugar in the drink clearing out insulin, which nourish the tumor.

Isabel Drake, a researcher at the University of Lund (Sweden) also said that among those who drink more soda water, the risk of prostate cancer liệttăng up to 40% compared to normal.

The elect Lady is also one of the subjects had higher cancer risk.

In the freshwater potential carcinogens station as methylmadizole.

Increase the speed of aging

Consume more Coke will make the film increased. The amount of film on her body elected will exceed the level that can affect the heart and cause kidney problems and well as easily lead to loss of the body (brain) and osteoporosis.

In addition, the film was one of the causes of the rapid aging condition because this kind of water is a chemical mixture and sugar (or artificial sugar) can ruin the health of the organs in the body.

Tooth damage

The amount of acid in the soda water can cause enamel erosion and stain the teeth of her elected if drinking more. In addition, excess sugar in sweet water also contributed to the increase in the amount of bacteria to "reside" in the teeth, gums and cause tooth decay.

Memory loss

A type of brom vegetable oil (BVO) is added to most types of freshwater station to prevent the bay takes the taste of the drink. However, this preservative has side effects that affect the activity of the brain, causing dementia syndrome, neurological disorders and some other potential health risks.=
