No need for supplements, moms should supplement your baby with these foods to increase the natural height


Cereals are not only a good source of energy but also a good source of fiber, vitamins, iron, magnesium and selenium for your baby's comprehensive development. Besides, in the composition of cereal is also very rich in calories, plays an important role in the development of height of children to help children increase height naturally.


In the nutritional composition of eggs contains lots of calcium, amino acids, enzymes, which are very good in raising the height of children naturally.

Soy helps children increase height

In addition, in the nutritional composition of eggs contains many proteins that help provide much fat, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the development of children extremely effectively.


According to nutrition experts, chicken is an attractive food, encouraging children. Meat is a very good meat for children, rich in protein, helps children grow, develop height quickly and supple bones enhance firmness. Therefore, mothers should supplement chicken meat in children's meals.

Chicken helps children increase height

Soy bean

Among foods, soy is the most protein-rich foods in foods that help children grow naturally height. In addition, soybeans are rich in calcium, fat derived from plants, greatly assist in supplementing nutrients for the skeletal system of children to develop effectively.
