2 types of 'pain' signaling bowel cancer: Warn this person to seek medical attention immediately

Anal pain

Pain from colorectal cancer is usually abdominal pain in the lower left. When the disease is mild, the pain will come randomly without notice. But as colon cancer progresses, the pain will repeat itself and the pain level will increase many times.

If the tumor grows near the anus, it will cause abnormal pain here, so it requires a careful distinction.

Persistent abdominal pain

Abnormal bowel motility will also cause prolonged abdominal cramps. If cancer cells continue to erode in the intestines, leading to ulcers and infections, causing abdominal pain.

In addition, if the pain persists and the abdomen shows signs of abnormal swelling, it is important that you visit the hospital early.

Subjects at high risk of bowel cancer:

- Lazy sedentary people: People who often sit still will reduce the activity of intestinal motility, thereby causing constipation and obesity. Meanwhile, obese people are at high risk of colorectal cancer, so it is easier to gain weight than normal people.

- People who have an unhealthy diet: Often people who have a diet high in fat, or consume a lot of fast food are at a very high risk of constipation. Because the body does not provide enough essential fiber, it is easy to reduce the function of intestinal peristalsis, thereby increasing the risk of bowel cancer.

- People with weak colon: For people with weak colon, their intestinal tract is often susceptible to ulcers and the process of treatment is also more difficult to recover. Over time, the condition can get worse and easily develop into cancer.

- Smokers, heavy drinkers: Smoking and alcoholism not only increase the risk of lung cancer but also increase the risk of intestinal cancer. Therefore, it is best to remove this habit early to prevent the risk of disease.

Healthy gut food


In yogurt contains a rich content of calcium, it contains beneficial bacteria that balance the bacteria in the intestine, good for digestion, stimulate intestinal motility, good for the intestine, prevent constipation, reduce diseases of the digestive tract. But one thing to note, is that fruit yogurts and yogurt diluted into drinking water, not as good as regular yogurt.

Spinach (spinach or spinach)

Eating spinach has the effect of pushing waste through the digestive tract, helping digestion faster, protecting the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, avoiding bacteria and toxins to attack, prevent constipation, beautify the skin.

Spinach leaves contain an insulin-like substance that helps to stabilize blood sugar. The rich vitamins contained in spinach can prevent infection, night blindness, and other vitamin deficiency symptoms. Spinach also contains a lot of antioxidants, which have anti-aging effects, promote cell growth, both good for the brain, and also help increase the vitality, prevent brain aging. .


Jupiter has a tonic effect on blood, eliminates toxic heat in the blood. In wood ear fungus contains plant glue to suck toxic substances, can smoke toxic substances to be discharged in the digestive tract or urinary tract, helping clean and good for the intestinal tract.

In addition, there are a number of unknown active ingredients that can cause chemical reactions that erode foreign bodies or pebbles, sand, and metals that accumulate in the body and are released in secretions. diuresis. Functions to eliminate gallstones, urinary stones .


Experts in Chinese medicine said that seaweed is an alkaline, iodine-rich food that can promote the metabolism of triglycerides in the blood. Seaweed may reduce the amount of cholesterol contained in the walls of blood vessels, keeping cholesterol levels within the allowable limits.

In addition, seaweed also contains alginate, this substance can enhance mucus in the intestine thereby helping protect the intestinal wall, increasing beneficial bacteria in the gut. Seaweed can help eliminate toxins in the body, prevent the body from absorbing heavy metals such as lead, cadmium ., remove radioactive elements in the body, and help treat atherosclerosis. pulse, helps prevent constipation and colon cancer.
