2 types of pain signify bowel cancer and 4 types of people should seek medical help immediately to prevent germs

1. Prolonged abdominal pain

Abnormalities in long-term bowel movements will also cause prolonged abdominal cramps. If cancer cells continue to corrode in the intestines, leading to ulcers and infections, causing abdominal pain. In addition, if the pain persists and the abdomen is showing signs of abnormal swelling, you should go to the hospital early.

2. Anal pain

Colorectal pain is usually abdominal pain in the lower left part. When the illness is still mild, the pain will come randomly without notice. But when colon cancer is at an advanced stage, the pain is repeated constantly and the level of pain increases many times. If the tumor grows near the anus, it will cause abnormal pain here, so it requires careful discrimination.

In particular, 4 types of people should be alert to the above signals:

- Smokers and drinkers: Smoking and alcoholism not only increase the risk of lung cancer but also increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Statistically, taking 45 grams of alcohol a day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 1.41 times and smoking increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 1.2 times.

- Sedentary people: Mobility will reduce intestinal motility, constipation and obesity, while obese people with colorectal cancer are 1.45 times more likely to gain weight.

- People with unhealthy diets: Eating too much fat, ready-to-eat food, . for a long time will reduce the amount of fiber intake, thereby reducing the intestinal motility of the intestine, easy causes constipation, increases the risk of intestinal cancer.

- People with weak colon: In people with weak colon, intestinal tract will be susceptible to ulcers, the treatment process is also more difficult to recover. Over time, it is likely to deteriorate and develop into cancer.

Good gut food:

Potatoes: Contains prebiotic - a type of starch that is good for the intestines, potatoes help reduce the risk of diabetes and support weight loss.

Milk mushroom Kefir: Tibetan milk mushroom kefir is a living organism, eating fresh milk and producing a very beneficial enzyme for the body. Milk mushrooms have the effect of strengthening the body's immune system, restoring weak functions.

Green Banana: Contains many good starches, fiber is not only good for the digestive system but also helps protect the heart and bones.

Kimchi: Fermented from probiotic lactic acid bacteria, kimchi helps increase the amount of beneficial bacteria while preventing cancer and obesity.

Salt cabbage: Similar to kimchi, pickled cabbage is a natural fermented food that is good for the digestive tract.

Chocolate: As one of the probiotic-rich foods, chocolate helps to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria, making the intestines healthy.

Garlic: Although garlic makes your breath smell bad, however, garlic has a strong effect on stimulating digestion.
