Out of bad breath, there was no need for medicine because of this great way

Bad breath with fresh lemon peel

Method 1: After using the lemon peels, instead of leaving it, wash it, then chew carefully, and swallow. Just doing this a few times a day will help your breath stay cool. A simple remedy for bad breath and easy way to do it. So why don't you try it now?

Method 2: Lemon, a fruit that is always present in the house, possesses many functions in all things, including treating bad breath. You brush your teeth and even brush your tongue with a mixture of lemon juice and salt twice daily will significantly improve your discomfort.

Quick mouth odor treatment with ship odor

The smell of the ship, also known as the spicy coriander leaves, is aromatic. According to traditional medicine, these properties have the effect of flushing, reducing heat, purifying, resolving, strengthening the spleen, and stimulating digestion. Therefore, if reusing this leaf, it can cure bad breath due to gastric and gastrointestinal causes.

How to use: Pick up the strong spiny coriander leaves with very thick water, add a few salt particles to rinse your mouth and throaty several times a day.

Rice water

The natural ingredients in the water wash rice containing quite a lot of vitamin PP and essential minerals. So persistently apply twice a day in the morning and evening before going to bed to quickly remove food plaque, quickly remove unpleasant mouth odor quickly.


Scientists have shown that using a mixture of turmeric and honey as a mouthwash gives you the ability to effectively dissolve plaque on your teeth, reducing bad breath with high safety if Missed when gargling. Due to its high antibacterial ability, curcumin in turmeric will eliminate unpleasant odors.

Guava leaf

In guava leaves contain a lot of tannin, oxalic, phosphoric . not only whitening teeth but also eliminating the mouth odor very effectively. You should use about 8-10 young guava buds, wash away dust and crumble. Then boil with about 300ml of clean water, simmer for about 10 minutes after boiling. Filter the juice, mix with a little salt and rinse your mouth 3 times a day, the mouth odor will disappear after about 1 week of persistence.
