Support the prevention of severe acute respiratory disease in infants

Acute respiratory infections in children is widespread in Vietnam, disease incidence and mortality is high, the child may be infected several times a year. According to the experts, respiratory infections are divided into two categories: upper respiratory infections and lower respiratory infections.[links]Upper respiratory infections including cases of coughs, colds, sore throat-nose, tonsillitis, otitis, VA. Lower respiratory infections include: inflammation of bronchial pneumonia, gas bar. ...

The majority of acute respiratory infections in children is caused by the virus infection have great affinity with the Airways. The ability of the virus to spread easily, rate people heal mang high virus so easy disease risk growing in the community room and easy to get infected again.

Besides, in the developing countries like the Philippines, the root causes of infection still plays an important role in respiratory infections.

The study found document: child birth inherited his mother's immunity until 6 months of age, then the child must create for himself until the child is about 8 years old, the new immune system is ripe.

Around the time the child is self created immunity for themselves is a difficult period for the child in dealing with the disease, respiratory infections. There are many risk factors contributing to the increase in the rate of children with acute respiratory tract infections.


Children born preterm, low birth weight, or older cannot be fed by breast milk, child anorexia, malnutrition is young children who have a weak immune system easy to risk infection.

In addition, the condition of hot humid tropical climate, a year has four seasons of weather change as our country is also favorable conditions that cause respiratory infections in children.

In addition, the current environment heavily polluted, dirty gas, dust density contain bacteria, viruses, chemicals, always at the level of alarm is always a potential threat to the health of children respiratory tract.

Children or respiratory inflammation will be very sick, eating less, vulnerable to malnutrition. When the kids eating poorly, not young body nutritional supplements full back has caused the child's resistance was weakened and it's risk factors causing the child easily infected respiratory inflammation back.

Therefore, to help children get the platform good health during the period the child is self created immunity for themselves the necessity of parents is help children prevent and improve immunity to the disease, upper respiratory tract infections.

The Foundation's initial health older is a favorable start for the development of both the physical and the spirit of the child in the future.

Two things help to improve freshness and prevention of children disabled enabled is immune and digestive. Have a good immune system, children have the ability to avoid many diseases such as influenza, respiratory inflammation, otitis, the inflammatory type recurrences.

Have a good digestive system, help children eat more delicious, enhances freshness and avoid the nutritional imbalances – the source of the disease arise for older children.

Scientists around the world have sought out material Immune-gama to enhance immunity and digestion in babies. Raw materials for Immune-gama has been technology transfer from the United States about Vietnam.

Products are tested and research applications successfully in the United States allergy Research Institute by a group of scientists headed by DR. Riordan N. H and Taylor P.  Immune-gama is the minor segment peptidoglycan are extracted from the benign bacteria cells Lactobacillus fermentum.

Due to their characteristic structure, immune system recognise Immune-gama is the piece of bacterial cells and launch, stimulate the immune system against the inflammatory diseases are generally caused by bacteria, viruses cause thanks to increased impact b. T lymphocytes (immune cells) and lymphocytes (the immune be translated).

For full body immune system are increasing, the body young totally protected than before, before the causative virus, bacteria, parasites, thanks to its resistance to avoid major medication pervaded, less effective.

In the future, Immune-gama and similar substances will become important as healing substances, due to the increasing bacterial antibiotics and patients with immunodeficiency

In addition, Immune-gama also played an important role in the development of benign bacteria in the gut helps balance intestinal microbial systems, reduce the maximum growth of harmful bacteria that help support prevents digestive disorders in children, helps increase the metabolism of nutrients , help children to absorb the nutrients in a maximum way.

The addition of Immne-gama daily, will help increase immune ability, increased resistance. So, help your child avoid the respiratory diseases like flu, sore throats, bronchitis, or the stage of the disease forecast delivery season.

Information for you:

Nuggets BigBB is functional food products (TPCN) first in Vietnam contains Immune-gama help strengthen resistance, support the prevention of severe acute respiratory disease in children.

Besides Immune-gama, BigBB is also Lysine is one of the essential axitamin for 12 daily, help your child ate, enhancing the absorption of nutrients and grow tall. Taurine stimulates brain development help children smarter.

BigBB contains the herbs you like Huang, Huai Shan help improve the digestive system of the body young and cool out (Chrome prevention Ran). Especially fish lettuce has High effect , detoxification, diuretic and is suitable for children with symptoms of constipation.


-Help strengthen resistance and help support the prevention of inflammatory diseases or having children as: inflammation of the respiratory tract, intestinal inflammation, inflammation of the middle ear, the kind of infection recurrences

-Help children to eat tasty, having a healthy digestive system and increases the ability to absorb nutrients and prevention of symptoms of constipation.


-Taking on 1-2 times, each 1-2 Pack dissolved in water or milk-Should use batch from 2-3 months to get the best results.

BigBB-child health, respiratory Dynamics Website: Website: Consulting: 04.3795.8513=
