The mistake damaged skin during summer bath

Shave before bathing

The shave before serious influence bath in. the follicle.

We usually shave in the legs, armpits when summer comes to confident bikini area. But the truth is you should shave after stepping out of the shower. Joshua Zeichner-dermatologist, Research Director of Dermatology and aesthetic forest floor at Mount Sinai Medical Center (New York, USA)-advice: "you should be a warm bath for soft to more easily scraped. The shave in the dry condition would be vulnerable nan hairy and painful, "he said.

Use shower gel

You should not use the shower gel because the shower gel contains all the components related to toxins, substances that cause the abrasive skin irritation.

Rub the entire SOAP body

SOAP is used to make water drifting dust and oil on the skin. The skin in the arms and legs are usually not much oil should you only need water is sufficient. Also the face, armpits, buttocks, feet, thighs, ... you should rub it further.=
