4 good fruits for your lungs and health


The dill has many different names, such as fake bitter melon, flat melon with round, thin and light shapes, big but round and crispy fruit when dried.

After meals, if you drink a cup of aromatic tea, it will work to clean the heat and good hygiene in the oropharynx, treat pertussis, cough due to lung heat, sore throat, dry mouth and other symptoms.

This is also an ideal health drink for groups of actors and teachers.


Carambola is a popular fruit in Asia, in Vietnam is grown in most localities. According to the concept of Oriental medicine, star fruit is considered to be a fruit that has effect on heat, birth (fluid, body water) diuretic, detoxification.

When coughing from the wind, toothache and mouth sores, you can quickly relieve or support the treatment of good results by eating some star fruit.

After a meal, if you eat a star fruit will help you feel cool, alert, uplifting and good pulmonary poisoning.


Figs were highly appreciated by Chinese medicine thanks to good nutritional content and especially for health. In addition to direct freshness, people can make this fruit into other dishes, making dried figs or fruit candies, canned food .

Both fresh and dried figs can be used as a very good medicine. When the throat is swollen, eating a little will relieve pain and quickly recover.

When the lungs are hot and the voice is hoarse, having a simple remedy you can try is to use sand sugar to cook water with a fig and drink it, which can play a role in removing heat from the body, from there. Reduce sore throat and loss of voice.

Fruit balm (tea paint)

Tea paint has the function of moistening the lungs, quenching thirst and lowering gas, calming the mood. Eating some tea paint can treat pain in the lungs, vomiting blood and vomiting, thirst and water. Tea paint leaves are often used as ingredients in medicine from Chinese medicinal herbs.

Tea paints can be processed into high-grade, candy, essential oils, and medicines that reduce inflammation like wind oil. Tea-based products are also used to assist in the treatment of many cough-related illnesses due to heat in the lungs.

Eating a small amount of daily tea paint has a good supportive effect in lung care and body purification.

The above is a suggestion about the fruits that can help you purify your lungs effectively, soon supplement your daily menu.

In addition, to enhance lung health, you should eat the following foods.

Orange fruits and vegetables

Papaya, pumpkin and orange contain many lung-friendly antioxidants such as vitamin C, which are able to fight infections and reduce inflammation.


This food contains flavonoids that stimulate the production of glutathione, which helps eliminate toxins and carcinogens, to help the lungs work better. One study found that people who ate three live garlic cloves at twice a week were less likely to develop lung cancer.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the body, detoxify the lungs and promote the removal of contaminants from the lungs. This spice also reduces congestion and improves circulation to the lungs, thereby enhancing lung health.


This cruciferous vegetable is rich in vitamin C, folate, carotenoids and phytochemicals against harmful elements in the lungs. Cauliflower has an active compound called L-sulforaphane, which helps cells switch to anti-inflammatory genes to prevent respiratory diseases.

Green tea

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, green tea helps soothe the body, reducing inflammation and healing better. Antioxidants in green tea act as a natural antihistamine, slowing down the release of histamine causing allergy symptoms.
