Drink enough water every day to prevent 5 evil diseases

Benefits of drinking enough water

1. Prevent and treat headaches

Some people have headaches and migraines when the body is dehydrated. Some studies have shown that water can reduce headaches. When water is lacking, the tissues in the brain temporarily shrink, stimulating pain receptors, leading to headaches.

Also, if dehydration can cause blood volume to decrease, this causes less blood and oxygen to the brain, causing pain.

2. Reduce constipation

This is a disease that many people have. Water helps boost food metabolism in the body and may help prevent constipation.

3. Reduce stress

About 70% to 80% of brain tissue is water. If your body is dehydrated, your body and mind will be in crisis. To limit the stress of dehydration, always have a glass of water and drink small sips regularly.

4. Eliminate toxins

Drinking water will help remove excess substances and toxins from the body. When you drink enough water, toxins are also removed from the body through sweating.

The kidney system is the only organ to filter water and it completely depends on the water to function. Therefore, drinking water daily is essential for kidneys to work effectively.

4. Reduce the risk of heart attack

According to a study conducted in 2012, scientists surveyed more than 20,000 healthy people who concluded that people who drink more than 5 cups of water a day (about 1000ml) will die less from a heart attack. or heart disease than those who drink less than 2 cups of water per day.

5. Can treat kidney stones

Drinking enough water can help prevent recurrence in people who have previously had kidney stones. Higher amounts of fluid increase the volume of urine passing through the kidneys, dilute mineral concentrations, so they are less likely to crystallize and form clots.

You should consult the specific time of the day for the best health drink:

- 7h: Drink the first glass to moisten the body, then 30 minutes after breakfast.

- 9h: Drink the second glass, start the working day It is about 1 hour after your breakfast; Have a glass of water and start your working day.

- 11h30: Drink water 30 minutes before lunch.

- 13h30: Drink a glass of water an hour after lunch so that nutrients from food are better absorbed.

- 15h: Drink a cup of tea to relax (equal to 1 cup of water)

- 17h: This water cup will help you avoid eating much in the evening

- 20h: Drink a glass of water after dinner 1 hour and before bathing

- 22h: Last glass of the day, support cell regeneration during sleep.
