Addicted to sex, the woman 25 years doing 'it' with more than 5000 men

Sex addiction like alcoholism, drug addiction. If alcoholics often use alcohol for entertaining, the sex addict back like find the feeling of sublimation, stimulate the senses in the body.

The common expression is frequently haunted by stories of sex, there is the frantic desire impulses of sex despite knowing the consequences ... They can attack, forced sex with others regardless of young and old, or regularly buy. Throughout the day people visit the site and perform sexual acts of masturbation, leave work, other obligations. They increasingly marginalize gradually with the world around them. The consequences of family breakdown, career dashed, even indicted, lawsuit, infection of sexually transmitted diseases.

Addicts often have general psychology are after sex, they feel remorse so vulnerable to anxiety and depression, anxiety or stress when encountered again on the run by performing sexual acts in order to "reduce anxiety," a vicious hard to escape. The form of sex addiction alone but also in the form of accompanying other addiction, if accompanied by mental disorders such as domestic violence, sexual deviance, the more serious consequences, possibly even leading to crime.

Here are some typical cases of sexual addiction in women.

The 25-year old girls "do it" with over 5000 man

Girl Nikki Lee (25 years old) in the County of Essex, England did boast with 5000 men since losing the gold in 16 years. Lee often "do it" in nightclubs, parks, movie theaters ... To preserve memories, she recounted the details each time with mistress in red pamphlet and graded them.

Nikki Lee already boast with 5000 men.

In 18 years, his diary of Lee had the names of 800 who had been with her. Up to the age of 21, this number has increased to 2289. Even, during the holiday in the island of Ibiza, Lee has fun with 4 men in one evening.

Revealed in the magazine "Love It", Lee said: "I've slept with over 5000 men. A few friends that think I need sex addiction treatment but I'm not a sex addicts. I love to paint and do not want to treat ".

The woman was addicted to sex, "go to bed" with over 1000 men

Beautiful girl Crystal Warren in Brighton, England is one of those sex addiction. Since the age of 5, the psychological shock because the marriage break-up of his parents led her Crystal Warren saw the loss of faith in life.

She said, she began to meet the man and the relationship with them from early on. This time she has the habit of counting the number of men who "rain clouds" with himself as an achievement. Up to the age of 17, Crystal has had in hand a list of 40 men to "do it" with himself.

At this point though not infected "sex addiction" but she said sex helped her forget the pain of childhood. Not long after that, when entering the age of 20, Crystal discovered that sex addiction is when talking to a home in the sponsored women.

Crystal said, her illness more severe and there are times she feels will die if not "do it". "The record" the most awesome Crystal set is the sleep with 7 different men within 24 h. She said, to satisfy yourself Crystal longer relationships with many people at a time.

Crystal Warren addiction sex

Just one day not be Crystal ties will feel no energy. If not met, would this woman fell into a depression and mental decline. " I feel desperate and energy shortages when there is sex in a few days, "Crystal shares.

Ctystal currently has over age 40 and still wallow in sex diseases don't escape. She began to meet the doctor to find out the solution for his illness.

"Rain Clouds" with nearly 400 men in 13 years

Seyi Kolade, 37 years the Birmingham (England), is a woman addicted to sex and sex is what you do every day during the last 13 years. "The sex addict dominated all my life," she said. From the age of 17 she began to like to sleep in the same man. In 19 years, Seyi was there to 40 you have to date and with a total of 370 men.

The dangerous addiction that makes Seyi's life ruined. Her infectious disease sexually, been evicted twice and abortion. This tells the woman that she lost virginity at 13 years old and pregnant right after the first relationship. 14 year old baby girl and that is extremely difficult.

Then, 17 years she and her move to living in a Center for mothers and children, where she met her boyfriend, Paul, age 31. At that she thought would start taking to sexual feelings of loneliness. However, as long as it is still not enough.

Seyi Kolade addicted sex and sex is what you do every day during the last 13 years. 

Each week Seyi Cheating boyfriend once again to find the "son" in the bar. The age of 17, she became pregnant with one of these people. The child in the belly is a boy-child even she did not know who the father is. After that, and once pregnant but she has decided not to keep the child.

19 years, Seyi and boyfriend and separated. This led her into sex as an ephemera. "The only way I get rid of the feeling of loneliness is looking to sex. I have 5 men are always ready to respond whenever I need, not to mention countless "one other night", the woman who lives in Birmingham, England, said.

In times with a friend, Seyi has seen a document talking about law of attraction. She said: "I know I have issues but never think that he was addicted to sex. I realize I need help ". After the holiday, Seyi participated in many meetings, therapy program for people with this disease. In August 2009, the sex addiction of her disappearance.

Now she was training to become a speaker, a guide to help patients with other sex addicts, help them understand the disease, its causes and treatments.=
