Kiss morning help us live longer

The room)- one of the interesting things of the marriage is to be devoted to each other a Kiss morning help us live longerss in the morning.


According to research by Professor Edward Lawrey in Los Angeles, United States of America, 15 minutes of warm salty morning has the effect of prevention is not lost to any form of exercise.

According to statistics from the German Research Institute, the Central European region resident very lazy morning exercise. Up to 80% of the gentlemen over the age of 40-55, that is also no longer young, hardly focused on advocacy measures to welcome the Sun.

Of which only 18% occasionally run several rounds of yard or putting those for seem to join the movement. Rest, 92% chose the attitude "I was sitting side saddle the morning cup of coffee. Rather, 84% of these also have movement, also has a slightly swaying but not over just because the conditioning run under the faucet in the bathroom.

But the strange thing is that the rate of cardiovascular disease in the countries of Central Europe again very low. The main reason is because they have a habit of baKiss morning help us live longerng a little more minutes in bed to caress your partner. Fact, a Kiss morning help us live longerss in the morning, a new day of love when not started work more than the dose of supplements.

One of the interesting things of the marriage is to be devoted to each other a Kiss morning help us live longerss in the morning. Photo illustrations

Effect of Kiss:

-Euphoria the circulatory system with the speed of the peace postponed, not too fast, not too slow so no mutagen on blood pressure after the long sleep.

-Minimizing tension when just awakened by has just defeated the fear before a new day, just motivate owner bravely facing the reality.

-Improve the viscosity of the blood and contributes to the prevention of the phenomenon of mortar fiber vein.

-Optimize function contractions of the heart to which indirect blood pressure stable.

-Irritation of the liver detoxification ability with lasting effects throughout the day.

-Increase the volume of air in the lungs and create the premise for the bumper on the infection prevention processes the Airways.

-Enhances stamina, memory and thinKiss morning help us live longerng ability thanks to improved oxygen levels in cells of the CNS.

Further, Lawrey have proven quality and fat content, sugar in the blood of people who have the habit of "smell of introspection" morning even more stable in humans yet know the value of your Kiss morning help us live longerss.

Lawrey's comment actually nothing new, when endorphino, the hormone of feeling cheery, substances are released in each Kiss, is the premise for the healthy functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Also according to early morning Kiss, Lawrey, its only I could when the chickens just back light is form of prevention is just less power than the sports measures more effectively.

Lawrey therefore did not hesitate to name the great moments of the morning filled the store as "a tonic Dose of life".=
