5 mistakes when feeding your baby, making your child bored to eat an undernourished malnutrition, especially the 4th

Meals last too long

Children who eat long and eat slowly at a meal can prolong the whole time, which makes it difficult for children to concentrate on meals and not feel good. You should focus on feeding your baby for a certain period of time, no matter how much he eats or eats a lot, concentrating for 30 minutes is enough.

Feed your baby too early

Many mothers often give their babies too early to eat, which causes their digestive system to develop undetectable, and their shields for thick gastrointestinal fluids do not secrete much, causing them to lose appetite, and eat indigestion.

Feeding your baby early will make it difficult for your baby to eat or vomit, and digestive disorders will make it harder for him to eat slowly. According to experts, parents should give babies weaning when they are 6 months or more.

It is wrong to feed children only with bone broth

Feed your child too much protein

In the process of feeding many children, mothers often fear that their children will grow slowly, so they can find ways to add a lot of nutrients to their children so that they can gain weight and develop excessively. However, when your baby eats too much protein, it can cause dyspepsia, because the baby's digestive system is still inferior when feeding a lot of protein, making it impossible for him to absorb all the nutrients.

Eating too much protein also makes it difficult for children to digest digestive disorders that make children slow to develop rickets.

Grind or filter food too well

During the weaning process, many mothers are afraid that their children will have difficulty swallowing or choking on food, so they try to crush food thoroughly. But this makes children lazy to chew when they grow up. The fact that your baby doesn't chew makes gastric juice secreted less than the baby doesn't have an appetite when eating, making the food taste less attractive. Your baby will be fed up and easily fall into malnutrition if this happens long.

It is wrong to feed a child too much protein when starting to eat a snack

Only use bone water to cook for your baby

In the process of giving children a few miles, many mothers often use bone broth without using other foods such as eggs, seafood and vegetables, making them vulnerable to nutrient deficiency and calcium deficiency, making them easy for children. with rickets and growth retardation.
