8 classic mistakes when taking the child makes parents exhausting

Mistake 1: enlist do everything after the kids were asleep

"After a small two bedroom, coax me into cleaning up, cleaning, ironing ... do the rest of the day, arrange everything for neat and go to sleep, often 15 hours of the night and take a long while after my new wink"- the mind of a mother having a baby at age 7 and a boy 3 years old also, just like the case of a lot of mothers taking care of children.

The best is: don't take the time to do pretty things. One should also have a reasonable sleeping habits, even your child and you. Consequently, about 30 to 60 minutes before sleep, let's do things gently to help the body relax as: bathing, reading, watching TV ... Repeat the routine her body to adjust to the time period to prepare for bed and soon, you will be asleep right now.

If you want a snack, choose foods made from low-fat, starch such as bread with jam or cereal with milk. Types of drinking good for you at this point is mint tea and honey has the effect eased nerves. You should also eat dinner before going to sleep about 3 hours by the consumption of large amounts of food that may cause you trouble sleeping.

Mistake 2: stay in the room the children until they fell asleep

You linger in the child's bedroom and nice until they go only to make the child become dependent on you more. When waking up in the middle of the night, the child will be hard auto sleep alone and need the parents alongside. This not only makes you sleep not enough sleep but also disrupt sleep, hard to restore health.

You should file for older self to sleep alone in their rooms. Tell the child How to use the toilet and water to the child can take when needed. Just like adults, children need to have the soothing activity before sleeping, avoid the active game too strong.

You can give the child a bath, then go into the room read stories together older and then good night and leave the room. The first time can the child will feel uncomfortable, sometimes cries screams insist you stay until they're asleep. So you need patience to adapt to the new routine.

Mistake 3: going to sleep late and wake up late on the weekends

Last week is always the ideal time to getaway, relax. But you need to remember that sleeping regularly and on time is as important as the get enough sleep. If all week you have lack of sleep, the sleep a little more baking in the two-day weekend will be very useful for the body. But also don't Grill too momentum as this can disrupt daily routines and you hardly wake up on time in the morning Monday of the next week.

It is better you should only sleep one more hour. This time around was enough to help you restore your health. Take advantage of the remaining spare time to do other things like go for a walk, drink coffee with friends, shopping or simply read a magazine last week.

Mistake 4: don't exercise or exercise too close to bedtime time

Physical activity helps you feel sleepy fast and improve your sleep better. It is thought that exercise helps regulate your body's rhythm. Exercise in the day will cause the body's temperature rise so the body will try to reduce the temperature at night and this makes you more sleepy than.

Moreover, the exercise also helped dispel the anxiety, stress and other problems are the causes of insomnia. However, you should note the exercise too close to bedtime hour can make the body to heat up and cause trouble sleeping.

Should not exercise within 2 to 3 hours before bed. In a recent study, they found that women who regularly exercise in the early morning will sleep at night.

So let's wake up a little earlier in the morning, enlist a couple of movements within 30 to 60 minutes, you will get good sleep at night. Even the walk about three times, each time just 10 minutes during the day can also help you sleep better.

Mistake 5: NAP after sleeping child

Just so a NAP when your baby is too young, just born and you have to get the night let them suck. When the child grew and can sleep through the night without stirring cry, you don't need a NAP more. The children slept about 15 hours a day did you only need 8. So, if you took a NAP, then surely two evenings you can not sleep.

If feel tired, maybe a little snooze in the afternoon. Just 20 to 30 minutes as you had enough energy for the afternoon and evening activities.

Mistake 6: ignoring the health problems of the self

A lot of the health problems of the body can affect your sleep as menstruation, asthma, diseases of the urinary tract (urinate once every night is perfectly normal, but go 3, 4 times in one night and then you need to review your health immediately). About half of people who suffer from chronic insomnia patients have psychological problems such as stress or boredom.

The best is you should go visit as soon as you feel the problems wrong on health, affect sleep. Often the disease will be treated with the drug in combination with changing some habits are not good in the way of your daily activities.

Mistake 7: compare yourself with people

A natural mistake so that you don't even realize. See this familiar setting, how to:

While waiting in the clinic, you look through the next mothers are proud with the baby on the hands. The conversation started. You realize that "the other House" babies of the same age as baby 6 weeks your home but "quick" than the big baby House you 1 kilo batch.

Fatherhood motherhood, you inevitably compare. But remember that the milestone is based on an average-some children reach milestones a little earlier, some slower. As long as the older your home healthy, how to mold well baby.

Mistake 3: child care is too technical

Should not be wrapped in silk velvet. Sometimes the child will stumble upon, falls or collisions, but the very small scratch helps kids learn about the world around them.

Give the child freedom. If the child has a dirty Scotch while playing in the garden, just to that, a little dirt will not harm but also help build children's immune system.=
