11 ' smart ' beautiful skin tips winter

Beauty salon)-a topical skin cream or hard white bath was not enough to have a beautiful skin. Your skin not only manifest for youth vitality but also manifested the signs of women's health. A healthy body, the skin will always rosy, toned, in contrast, pale skin, gold rocketed or Leopard broke out, you're definitely physical deficiency: iron, zinc, vitamin ...


Get enough sleep is a simple skin care but many sisters have left.

About winter, the weather is dry, cold makes the skin to change the structure to succumb. Hence the sisters often gets more wrinkles than fissures because of the elasticity of the skin is reduced. To keep your skin happy, cheery, you should note a few tips below. 1. Purge the page properly

Purge the page properly is essential to maintain healthy, beautiful skin (artwork).

Please limit up and purge the page properly. The abuse of makeup cause mysterious skin, pore encyclopedia not be easy ventilation leads to premature skin aging status. According to Dr. Taylor Lewis (cosmetic Institute w. Life NewYork) then purge the page more important than the topical lotion.

Because, if you purge the wrong page, something else would provide dirt, toxins hurt your skin. Make sure a clean skin before bed. 2. Scrubs Should not exfoliate more than 2 times a week but also cannot skip this care. The benefits of exfoliation is clean skin from deep pores, taking away any dirt, ageing cells, stimulate new cells to grow skin that is always fresh, soft.

Experts recommend, before exfoliation try on mu hands to avoid allergy because this creams which contain more detergent. You should also use the Exfoliating mask from nature such as: cucumbers, limes, strawberries ... just be safe just provides more vitamins to the skin. 3. reduce wrinkles Because of the lack of water and reducing the elasticity in the winter so the skin is easy to appear more wrinkles. Section on the mouth, eyes, forehead ... is the place where wrinkles form. You should avoid these habits as scowl, frown face, raised eyebrows, squinting because these movements will cause wrinkles deep groove appeared. In addition to the age of 25, sister absolutely can supplement therapy wrinkle cream to limit this age signs. 4. Face mask The face mask is often natural skincare routines are always encouraged. However, you need to consider carefully the kind his skin: oily, dry, sensitive or mixed, from which to choose the right materials accordingly. Natural face mask does not contain chemicals that are very safe for the skin, but to effect more slowly but you will own beauty long rather than certainty. 5. additional collagen Collagen supplements are also quite familiar with the majority of sisters. Women beyond 30 onwards, the amount of collagen is the body itself produce very little, to add new enough to the skin more supple, toned.

The collagen fibers will increase the links between cells, increase skin elasticity significantly limit the wrinkles helps the skin always smooth stretch. In addition to providing collagen orally, skin balm, you should also eat lots of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish ... 6. limitations of substance These stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol, carbonated drinks ... harm the skin more than you think. They both contain addictive substances limit vitamin absorption process of the body at the same time stimulating the system causing kidney, liver maximum activity make the body lose water. You will see more dry lips, dry skin, more wrinkles than when using this stuff regularly. 7. Get enough sleep  

Insomnia causes tired skin, strongly stain human and wrinkled (artwork).

Sleep is a great skin care treatments. Your skin as well as all other parts, need a break, relax. After a good night's sleep, the skin will stretch smooth, the cells become healthy. If lack of sleep, stay up late, the skin will be wrinkled and strongly stain human, pimples. On the other hand, when the body much activity, the skin must also excrete many and becoming overwhelmed. Deep sleep is dose helps you maintain youthful lasting. 8. Drink more water 3/4 our body is water, so the role of water is important for all parts of the body, and skin. Drinking lots of water will provide the moisture from inside the skin, helps to remove these toxins from the body. In addition to the water filter, you can add the water to eat green vegetables, drink fruit juice ... 9. Se closed pores

There are many ways se snugly pores at home: using egg white, rose water. (Artwork).

The skin structure changes frequently during the winter causing dilated pores larger. This sign is usually found in the skin of oil. To se snugly pores, first of all, you have to clean the skin, then use specialized creams. Some natural face mask has the ability to shrink pores, such as egg white, banana, carrot, Orange, lemon, rose water. 10. vitamin-enhanced The basic vitamins for the skin's energetic activity: Vitamin C, E, B vitamin groups. Vitamin E helps skin smooth, vitamin C to restrict the activity of free radicals (the cause of the pigment strongly stain human skin, causing sun spots, freckles, age spots). You can supplement this important nutrients by drinking a synthetic vitamin tablets, positive fruit, green vegetables. 11. more moisturizing A bad habit is the winter we usually drink less water in the summer, not only the missing body of water that the skin also becomes drier, less fertile. The sisters have dry skin will appear the dead cell layer peeling the cheeks, forehead, nose, chapped in the limbs.

Oily skin is a bit better but bigger pores will because the amount of secreted oil constantly to keep moist. In addition to topical moisturizing cream regularly, drink plenty of water is also an important step that many sisters have left.=
