Breathe to reduce belly fat

Exercise helps us health and beauty, but few people know that breathe properly during exercise is an important key to bring so many benefits to health such as reduce stress, improve blood circulation, helps to detoxify ... especially the correct breathing also help you have a healthy abdominal region , solid and reduce belly fat as desired.[links] Action 1: Stand, hands squeeze the thigh but still loose. The legs upright, tilt the head forward and fast breathing with abdominal, abdominal aortic aneurysm and an indentation for clarity when you breathe. Made to breathe 20 times. Remained standing straight, slowly lean, keeping the leg straight, fast breathing 20 times as above. Tilt people out the back, fast breathing 20 times, legs still standing straight. Action 2: Stand straight then slowly squat down stars for butt touch near the heel, two loose hands placed on the knee. Take a deep breath and breathing hard. Note: always breathe by repeated 20 times, abdominal breathing. Similar to the first step, but the hands around the Chin, leg hug put on the knee. Breathing 20 times. After breathing 20 times, gently lift the buttocks up, hold and breathe next 20 again.Lean, hand ground, leg straight keep-breathing out. Action 3: Sit upright on the chair backs, legs pressed close together, your feet touch the ground. Two loose hands placed on the knee. Inhale deeply and exhale sharply continuously 20 times. Sit back straight, feet touch the ground, both hands drop liquid put on the knee. The head is slightly inclined forward, continuous breathing 20 times. Same as above but this time waist hugging hands and breathing.

The breathe right helps you have a healthy, solid abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat as desired

Action 4: Lightweight title on the Chair and lift the leg up 45 degree angle forming. Then, fold the knee towards the chest and then stretching back to the original position. Deep breathing. Repeat this movement 3 weekly with each leg, each hit about 20 times. This action helped ignite to 75 calories. Still sitting propped on the Chair, breathe deeply, and then fasten the abdominal cramps as much as possible, holding this position from 5-8 seconds to feel the abdominal muscle bundles found pressed into the backbone. Repeat this exercise 15 times will burn about 100 calories. Note: this very good breathing exercises for people who sit for long, sedentary, fat area of many in the abdomen. To exercise 2, the buttocks and thighs quick Hunt also more compact. Exercise number 3 and number 4 was made on the very Chair fit you work at the Office, you only need to enlist the minute breaks between hours to file, simple but impacting part of your abdominal muscles a lot. Should not eat before exercise All four training exercises every day, combined with conventional diets not much fat, drink lots of water, not eating after 6 pm can help you decrease from 1.5-2 cm waist each week.=
